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Improve Your Credit When You Pay Your Rent

Your monthly rent payments can improve your credit score to offer you a brighter financial future.

Boost Your Score Today

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On-time payments boost your credit score.

We update your credit file

Credit Builder will report up to two years of past rent payments, and only positive payments are reported to the credit bureaus.

See your credit score improve in as little as 5 days

Use your improved credit score to bid farewell to prepaid cell phone plans, become eligible for lower interest rate credit cards, secure your dream job, or even purchase the home of your dreams.

Renters Have Seen Their Scores Increase By Over 105 Points

with an average increase of over 28 points in 2 weeks

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a different question? Contact us

How much will my credit score increase?
The average rent reporting increase is about 40 points but can be more than 100 points. However, we are unable to predict a specific score due to the proprietary nature of the scoring algorithm used by the credit bureaus.
How long will it take to see a change in my credit score?
You can expect to see your new score as soon as 5 days or as long as 30 days of the start of your Credit Builder subscription and each subsequent on-time rent payment. While Union submits your rental payment history immediately, it may take the credit bureaus longer to update your credit report. We recommend waiting up to 30 days to see your credit report updated.
How do you add my rent payment history to my credit score?

It takes only three simple steps to report your rent payment history to the credit bureaus:

  1. We confirm with your landlord when rent payments are made on-time.
  2. We report your on-time rent payment to the credit bureaus.
  3. Addition of on-time rent payment entry to your credit report: Your new rent payment entry (tradeline) will be included in your credit report within 5-7 days. Each month, as you continue to pay your rent on time, additional positive history will be added to your on-time rent payment history.
How far back can I report?
Union can report up to 24 months of previous rent payments.
What if I miss a rent payment, can this decrease my credit score?
We exclusively report only your positive payment history. Even if you have missed a few rent payments or have been late in paying rent, you can still utilize Credit Builder. There is no credit check or hard inquiry involved. Our service focuses solely on reporting positive payments.
Which credit bureaus do you report to?
We report to all three credit bureaus so that you get the maximum credit impact - Equifax, Experian, TransUnion.

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