Pay Rent, Build Credit

The easy button for better credit!

Pay monthly rent

Simply pay your monthly rent on-time.

Credit Builder reports payments

Credit Builder reports only positive payments to the credit bureaus.

Higher credit score

Credit bureaus record your monthly rental payments on your credit report.

Enrollment complete. Welcome to Better Credit!

Up to 24 months of past rental payments will be added to your credit report, instantly providing a lift to your credit.

Identify Monthly Payments
Why do I need to link my bank account?
Link Bank Account

We can report positive payments on up to ten different monthly recurring debts, the more we report, the greater the positive impact to your credit score.

Secure. Transfer of your information is encrypted end-to-end.

Private. Linking your bank account does not authorize any transactions from your account.

Link Bank Account

One Moment Please

We are verifying your information.

Please do not refresh the window

Please select the monthly recurring payments to report

The obligations listed below were identified as recurring each month

Monthly Payments (10/11)