Apartment #:

Architectural and Design Elements Addendum

This Addendum to the Arizona Apartment Lease (hereinafter "lease") is hereby entered into by and between the parties previously identified as Management and Resident on the date first indicated below.

Apartment units within the residential rental community contain architectural and design elements that are aesthetically pleasing and which demonstrate the contemporary, urban lifestyle for which this community is known. However, these architectural and design elements are not designed for purposes other than their appearance and purpose.

Resident hereby accepts, understands, and agrees that all fixtures, appliances, and other permanently-attached elements within the apartment unit are to be used solely for their intended purposes. Resident further accepts, understands, and agrees that these fixtures, appliances, and other permanently-attached elements were not designed or placed for purposes other than their readily-apparent use, and therefore shall not be used for any other purpose. Resident further accepts, understands, and agrees that the use of these fixtures, appliances, and other permanently-attached elements for any other purpose than their readily-apparent use may carry with it the risk of harm, injury, loss, and even death.

Management hereby discloses the following specific architectural and/or design elements where the risk of injury is not readily apparent, but for which the potential of improper use is increased:

  • The triangular objects below the countertops are not supports, and they do not bear any share of the weight load for the countertop. The countertops are not designed to support significant quantities of weight. Resident shall not lean against the countertops or place significant weight upon them

To the greatest extent permissible by law, Resident, for himself/herself, his/her heirs, and his/her personal representatives or assigns, does hereby release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue Management, Owner, and their respective employees from liability from any and all claims including the negligence of Management and/or Owner, resulting in personal injury, accidents, or illnesses (including death), and from property loss arising from the use of the architectural and design elements for other than their stated purpose. Resident also hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Management and Owner from any and all claims, actions, suits, procedures, costs, expenses, damages, and liabilities, including litigation costs and fees, brought about as a result of Resident's use of the architectural and design elements for other than their stated purpose, and to reimburse Management for any such expenses incurred or fees and/or fines assessed.

By signing below, all parties agree to be bound by this Addendum.

(Resident) Date
(Owner / Agent) Date