Addendum to Lease Agreement Assistive Animal

  1. Resident rents unit from the landlord under a written Lease Agreement.
  2. Resident has provided evidence to landlord of the medical need for a Member of Resident's household who is handicapped to have an Assistive animal reside in the rental unit.
  3. Landlord has therefore agreed to make an exception to its standard restrictions on animals resided on the premises to accommodate the needs of the handicapped resident, subject to the terms of the Addendum set forth below.
  1. The animal described below may be kept on the premises by Resident for so long as a medical need for an assistive animal by a handicapped household member exists, and for so long as Resident complies with the terms of this addendum.
  2. Landlord may terminate this addendum at any time and require removal of the assistive animal under any of the following conditions:

    (a) The handicapped member of the Resident's household ceases to occupy the rented premises as his primary residence.

    (b) The medical necessity that the handicapped member of Resident's household have the assistive animal ceases to exist. Landlord has the right from time-to-time to require medical confirmation that the need for the assistive animal continues to exist. Failure by Resident to provide such confirmation from a qualified medical provider within ten (10) days after receipt of Landlord's request shall be conclusive evidence that the need no longer exists.

    (c) The restrictions as to the conduct of the assistive animal as set forth below are violated.

  3. In the event of any breach of foregoing, Landlord may serve Resident with a "Ten Day Notice" pursuant to ARS 33-1368 and Resident shall have ten days to remove the animal from the premises or Lease Agreement shall terminate.
  4. The following restrictions apply to assistive animal's conduct:

    (a) The animal shall not be allowed outside of the apartment without a leash and without the immediate presence and control of a responsible person.

    (b) At no time shall the animal be tied to a porch area, tree, or other fixture on the property.

    (c) All waste droppings of the animal on the property shall be immediately removed and properly disposed of.

    (d) Resident shall not permit the animal to disturb any neighboring residents or guests.

    (e) Resident shall not permit the animal to damage the rented apartment or any of the community facilities.

  5. This addendum applies only to the following described animal. Animal cannot be replaced without approval of Landlord and without a new Addendum being executed.

Pet 1 Description
Distinctive Marks:
Height at Shoulders:

(Resident) Date
(Mark-Taylor Residential, Inc. / Subagent for Owner) Date