Association Addendum to Lease Agreement

Apartment #:

Resident hereby (i) acknowledges and agrees that ("Apartments") is situated within , an non-profit corporation ("The Association"), a business park permitting, among other things, light industrial, manufacturing, warehouse, processing, wholesale, research and development, service and distribution uses together with any other uses that the Developer may have permitted, or the Development Committee may have permitted or hereafter permit (the "Permitted Uses") and the Permitted Uses may generate noise, vibrations, odors, fumes, dust, smoke, steam or other emissions or other results or activity that may be deemed a nuisance for the Apartments and it's Residents, and (ii) unconditionally and irrevocably waives, surrenders and releases The Association and each Owner within The Association, any tenant, subtenant or other occupant of a Parcel in The Association from any claims, damages, losses, liability, costs, expenses or fees (including any attorney fees or court costs) arising from or in connection with the legal, conforming, and non-negligent exercise of the Permitted Uses ("Claims").

(Resident) Date
(Mark-Taylor Residential, Inc. / Subagent for Owner) Date