Bicycle Storage Rental Agreement

Bicycle Storage Assigned Floor:
Monthly Rate:
Apt. # / Bldg. #:
Bicycle Description:
  1. Term/Rent -

    Resident leases the bicycle storage described above on a month-to-month basis at the monthly rate established above by Landlord. Rent for storage is due in advance on or before the first day of the calendar month along with your regular rent payment as described in your lease. A late fee of will be imposed for payments made after the of the month. The security deposit that is placed on Apartment is required to help secure the obligation of the resident under this agreement. Any unpaid charges including rent due Landlord or cost of cleaning and/or repairing the bicycle storage may be deducted from this deposit.

  2. Use of Premises -

    The bicycle storage is for storage of bicycle(s) only and may not be used for residential purposes or to house live animals. The bicycle storage may not be used for any unlawful purpose, nor will the resident keep in the bicycle storage any explosive or highly flammable material, hazardous goods or substances whose storage or use contravenes the law. Resident agrees to hold Landlord, other residents, and third parties harmless and indemnify, save, and defend such persons from any loss resulting from the property kept in the bicycle storage in violation of this provision. Resident may not conduct any business or commercial transactions in or about the bicycle storage. Resident may not make any alterations or modifications to the bicycle storage or attach any fixtures or signs in or about the unit without written consent of the Landlord. Resident represents to Landlord that all personal property to be stored by the resident in the bicycle storage will belong to the resident with no other person having any right, title, or interest in such property.

  3. Resident Responsibility -

    All bicycles in the bicycle storage are stored at the risk of the resident. The resident must take whatever steps are necessary to safeguard their bicycle. Resident must keep their bicycle locked within the storage. Landlord does not have any obligation to carry insurance on the resident's property stored in the bicycle storage. If the resident wishes to have his property covered by insurance, resident must obtain separate coverage. Resident agrees to indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising from, or in connection with the resident's use of the bicycle storage.

  4. Condition Of Bicycle Storage -

    Resident has examined the bicycle storage and acknowledges and agrees that the bicycle storage and common areas are satisfactory for all purposes for which the resident will use them. Resident will at all times keep the bicycle storage clean and in sanitary condition and will return it to Landlord in the same condition as it was received by resident; usual wear and tear accepted. All repairs to the bicycle storage required as the result of resident's acts or omissions, shall be at the resident's sole cost and expense.

  5. Access to Assigned Bicycle Cage(s) -

    Resident will allow Landlord free access at all reasonable times to the bicycle storage for the purpose of inspection or making repairs, additions or alterations that may be required to fulfill Landlord's obligation.

  1. Miscellaneous -

    Resident may not assign this lease addendum or any part of it or may not let or sublet the whole or any portion of the bicycle storage without prior written consent of the Landlord. Resident will not use any type of electric or gas heater in the bicycle storage. Use of any equipment requiring electricity, including small tools and heat lamps, must be approved by the Manager. If in the opinion of the Manager, an excessive amount of electricity is used, an additional fee will be charged. Resident agrees to disconnect any extension cords or electrical equipment and turn off all lights when not in use. Upon residents failure to pay rent or other charges when due or upon failure of resident to vacate the bicycle storage promptly upon the expiration of the lease, Landlord will have and is granted by resident a foreclosure right as prescribed by law.

  2. Posted Signage & Rules -

    Resident agrees that they understand any and all signage posted on the bicycle storage by landlord and will comply to the posted rules at all times.

By signing below, resident has read and agrees to all terms of this lease addendum.

(Resident) Date
(Owner / Agent) Date