Clubhouse Policies & Procedures Addendum

The Clubhouse is maintained for our Residents' pleasure and safety. We ask your cooperation in the following, so the clubhouse may be available for your use and enjoyment. Management reserves the right to enforce these rules and restrict Clubhouse privileges should any resident or guest abuse these policies.

  1. All Residents are welcome in the Clubhouse during the hours of operation. Each apartment is allowed 2 guests at any one time if, in the opinion of management, there is sufficient room in the Clubhouse area. Residents are responsible for all action and behavior of their guests. All guests must be accompanied by a Resident at all times.
  2. All persons must be appropriately clothed. Persons in wet attire are not allowed in the Clubhouse room.
  3. No pets of any type are permitted in or around any of the recreational facilities.
  4. The Clubhouse hours of operation are from All persons must exit the clubhouse by , by an alarm will sound to anyone who leaves after this time. If the alarm sounds, the resident is obligated to pay a fee of . This fee is charged due to a "false alarm" fee that Management is charged by the security company.
  5. All equipment belonging to Management is to remain in the Clubhouse area at all times.
  6. No smoking in Clubhouse area.
  7. Please be courteous and clean up after yourself and your guest.
  8. Management is not responsible for accidents or injuries suffered in connection with the use or misuse of the Clubhouse. All persons using the Clubhouse do so at their own risk and sole responsibility. The Resident agrees that no claim will be made against Management or ownership for any loss of life, limb, or bodily injury or damage to property. Residents and guests use Clubhouse at your own risk.

(Resident) Date