Unit #: Bldg #:

Crime Free and Drug-Free Housing Lease Addendum

A. Addendum

In consideration of the execution or renewal of the Lease for the dwelling unit identified in said Lease as the Premises, Management and Resident agree as follows:

  1. Resident, any members of Resident's household, any guest of Resident or Resident's household, or other person under the control of Resident, shall not engage in criminal activity, including drug-related criminal activity, on or near the Premises. "Drug-related criminal activity" means the illegal manufacture, sale, distribution, use, or possession with intent to manufacture, sell, distribute, or use of a controlled substance (as defined in Section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. ยง 802)).
  2. Resident, any members of Resident's household, any guest of Resident or Resident's household, or other person under the control of Resident, shall not engage in any act intended to facilitate criminal activity, including drug-related criminal activity, on or near the Premises, nor shall they permit the dwelling unit to be used for or to facilitate criminal activity, including drug-related criminal activity.
  3. Resident, any members of Resident's household, any guest of Resident or Resident's household, or other person under the control of Resident, shall not engage in the unlawful manufacturing, selling, using, storing, keeping, or giving of a controlled substance as defined under relevant municipal code or State or Federal law at any location, whether on or near the Premises or elsewhere.
  4. Resident, any members of Resident's household, any guest of Resident or Resident's household, or other person under the control of Resident, shall not engage in any illegal activity that is detrimental to the safety and conditions of the Premises and the community, including but not limited to homicide; burglary; arson; robbery; kidnapping; rape; prostitution; criminal street gang activity; threatening or intimidating behavior; assault and/or battery; improper, impermissible, or illegal discharge of firearms; attempts or conspiracy to commit thereof; or any breach of the Lease that otherwise jeopardizes the health, safety, and welfare of Management's agents or other residents of the community or involving imminent and/or serious property damage (as respectively defined under relevant municipal code or State or Federal law).
  5. A single violation of any of the provisions set forth above shall be deemed by Management as a breach of the Lease that is both material and irreparable and therefore as good cause for termination of Resident's tenancy. Resident hereby understands and agrees that any such violation shall be grounds for immediate termination as permitted by law. Resident further understands and agrees that, unless otherwise prohibited by law or ordinance, proof of violation shall require neither criminal conviction nor proof beyond a reasonable doubt, but rather adjudged as more likely than not by the preponderance of the evidence.
  6. Should a conflict exist between the provisions of this Addendum and those set forth in the Lease, the provisions set forth herein shall govern and be controlling.
  7. The provisions set forth herein are material to this Addendum and the Lease. If any provision (or portion thereof) is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be impermissible or invalid, the offensive provision (or portion thereof) shall be severed and all other provisions (or portions thereof) shall remain in full force and effect.
  8. Through the execution of this Addendum below, its terms and conditions shall be incorporated into the Lease.

B. Acceptance

(Resident) Date
(Mark-Taylor Residential, Inc. / Subagent for Owner) Date