Detached Garage Use Addendum

APT. #:
  1. Resident agrees to lease garage for a term of beginning on and ending on .
  2. The monthly rent on said garage is plus applicable sales tax of for a total monthly payment of .
  3. The garage is intended solely for the parking of the resident's vehicle(s).
  4. Payment is due together with your regular rent on the 1st each month, and is subject to all late charges, as described in your lease agreement.
  5. Reasonable storage is allowed up to the point that the resident's vehicle(s) is/are accessible in the garage.
  6. Any modification to the garage (i.e. building shelves) is prohibited without management's written consent.
  7. Resident has been given garage door opener(s) for which he/she is responsible for the care and use of. The refundable deposit(s) of will apply to the costs of a lost, stolen or damaged opener(s).
  8. Resident agrees to maintain their garage in a clean and orderly manner and will keep the garage door closed except when entering or exiting.
  9. Boats, RVs, campers, etc. shall not be stored in garages or anywhere on the premises.
  10. A non-refundable reprogramming fee of for each garage door opener will be assessed to a resident requesting a security code change.
  11. and Mark-Taylor Residential are not responsible for any damage caused by the automatic garage door.
  12. Resident agrees to provide Landlord with a 0 day notice of their intent to terminate this agreement commensurate with the terms outlined in the Lease Agreement.

By signing below, all parties agree to be bound by this Addendum.

(Resident) Date
(Mark-Taylor Residential, Inc. / Subagent for Owner) Date