Elevator Use Addendum

Apartment #:

This Addendum to the Arizona Apartment Lease (hereinafter "lease") is hereby entered into by and between the parties previously identified as Management and Resident on the date first indicated below.

This Mark-Taylor Residential community includes elevators within its buildings that are available for the use of the residents of this community. While using an elevator, Resident agrees as follows:

  1. Resident accepts, understands, and agrees that use of the elevator is provided to Resident solely as a convenience. Each level of the building in which the elevator(s) is/are located is accessible by permanent, enclosed stairwells and that these stairwells are designed as the primary method by which Resident shall access upper levels of the building from the ground floor of the same.
  2. Resident accepts, understands, and agrees that from time-to-time and at the sole discretion of Management, access to the elevator may be limited, curtailed, or denied to Resident due to the needs of Management, including but not limited to maintenance or scheduled usage for Management's purposes.
  3. Resident accepts, understands, and agrees that Resident shall abide by all norms of use for an elevator, including weight and occupancy restrictions.
  4. Resident accepts, understands, and agrees to the following restrictions upon the use of an elevator:

    1. Resident is responsible for any damage to the elevator caused by Resident during use of the elevator.
    2. Resident shall not use the elevator to transport large furniture items such as couches, mattresses, bedframes, and wardrobes. Resident agrees that in the event Resident violates this provision that, in addition to any other remedies Management elects to exercise, Resident shall pay to Management a charge of for the purpose of offsetting any potential damage to the operating mechanisms of the elevator.
    3. Resident may not use the elevator to transport moving boxes and/or small furniture items (e.g., nightstands, desk chairs) without advance written permission from Management. If permission is granted, Resident accepts, understands, and agrees that Resident must utilize moving pads within the elevator. Moving pads will be installed by Management for Resident's use of the elevator during a scheduled timeframe on a specific date. Further, Management will inspect the moving pads at the time of installation and removal to determine the condition of the same following Resident's use of the elevator.
  5. Resident accepts, understands, and agrees that the interior of the elevator car and the lobby outside the elevator doors may be subject to recording through electronic surveillance methods. At Management's sole discretion, cameras may be installed to monitor the use and environs of the elevator(s).
  6. Resident accepts, understands, and agrees that in the event of a fire or other emergency, Resident shall not use the elevator and shall, instead, resort to the use of the stairwell for egress from the building.
  7. Resident accepts, understands, and agrees that in the event Resident abuses the privilege to use the elevator, Management may restrict Resident's use, in its sole discretion, of the elevator. In the event such a restriction becomes necessary, such restrictions imposed upon Resident may include up to a complete prohibition on using elevators within the community.
  8. Except as otherwise provided above, Guests and/or invitees of Resident shall be permitted to use the elevator. Resident accepts, understands, and agrees that Resident has the duty to inform the guest or invitee of the terms of this Addendum, that Resident shall be responsible for ensuring the compliance by the guest or invitee with the terms set forth herein, and that Resident shall be responsible to Management for any violation of this Addendum by the guest or invitee as if the violation was caused by Resident.
  1. Except as provided by law or where such harm is caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct by Management, Resident agrees to indemnify, release, and hold harmless Management from any claims of injury suffered by Resident and/or any property damage sustained to property in the care or control of Resident where such claims arise from or are related to Resident's use of the elevator, whether raised directly by Resident or on Resident's behalf by a third party.
  2. Except as provided by law or where such harm is caused by gross negligence or willful misconduct by Management, Resident further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Management from any claims of injury suffered by a guest or invitee of Resident and/or any property damage sustained to property in the care or control of the same where such claims arise from or are related to the use of the elevator by the same.

By signing below, all parties agree to be bound by this Addendum.

(Resident) Date
(Mark-Taylor Residential, Inc. / Subagent for Owner) Date