Employee Addendum

Apartment #:

This addendum is an addition to your Apartment Lease Agreement for Apt No at located at

The right of the employee and the employee's household to occupy the apartment is conditioned upon employee's employment with Mark-Taylor Residential. Employee understands and accepts that the (percent) rent discount is also a condition of employment by Mark-Taylor Residential.

Each employee must complete the rental application and pass the criminal background check. Employees must pay all appropriate upfront deposits and move-in fees. Any fees associated with pets that will occupy the unit, including refundable and non-refundable fees as well as pet rent, must be paid when due. Only one employee discount per apartment is allowed and such unit must be occupied by the employee and may not be transferred to another resident.

Employee understands and agrees to comply with all community policies and terms set forth in the Lease Agreement. Employees are responsible for payment of rent on the first day of each month and are subject to late fees and the same procedures and policies for eviction. Employees living on site are expected to adhere to all rules and regulations in order to maintain a businesslike relationship with other residents of the community where or not they are on duty. Any unprofessional, inappropriate or disruptive behavior will not be accepted and may result in loss of privilege to this benefit and the ability to occupy the unit.

After termination of employment, employee and employee's household must vacate the unit within 72 hours or may apply for the apartment at the discretion of management, and qualify through the standard application process, pay all fees and deposits that apply. The rental discount will be terminated at this time. If employment is terminated by the employer, the employer reserves the right to refuse approval of the employee's rental application. The employee must then vacate the premises within 72 hours of termination.

Upon either voluntary or involuntary termination of employment, employee understands and agrees that all rental monies due and payable may be deducted from employee's paycheck.

I understand and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in the Mark-Taylor Residential Employee Addendum.

(Resident) Date
(Mark-Taylor Residential, Inc. / Subagent for Owner) Date