Apartment #:
New Move-in
Transfer From

Arizona Apartment Lease

This Apartment Lease (hereinafter referred to as "Lease") is made on by and between Mark-Taylor Residential, Inc., authorized agent for the owner (hereinafter referred to as "Management") and the following person(s):

(hereinafter individually and collectively referred to as "Resident"). If more than one person is named above as Resident, each person shall be jointly and severally liable hereunder. In addition to Resident, the following person(s) shall be entitled to reside within and use the below-described Premises:

(hereinafter individually and collectively referred to as "Occupant"). Only Resident and Occupant may reside within and use the Premises, which is described more specifically as:

Community: Apartment No. Mailbox No. Parking No: Garage No.

Monthly Rent, Non-Refundable Fees, and Refundable Deposits

Monthly Rent
Premises Rent 
Pet Rent 
Carport Rent 
Storage Rent 
Garage Rent 
Valet Waste 
Employee Discount () 
Municipal Sales Tax () 
Total Monthly Rent 
Non-Refundable Fees
Admin Fee
Application Fee 
Pet Fee
Carport Fee 
Storage Fee 
Garage Fee 
Municipal Sales Tax () 
Total Fees 
Refundable Deposits
Security Deposit 
Pet Deposit 
Carport Deposit 
Storage Deposit 
Garage Deposit 
Total Deposits 

Notice is hereby provided that the sales tax rate may be altered by the municipality where this Apartment Community is located. If the rate is adjusted, pursuant to A.R.S. § 33-1314(E) Resident agrees to pay the increased amount upon thirty (30) days' advance written notice of the changed rate.

Resident is hereby informed that a free copy of the Arizona Residential Landlord and Tenant Act is available from the Arizona Department of Housing, either at its offices or through its website, http://www.azhousing.gov. For Tempe communities, a free copy of the Tempe Rental Housing Code brochure may be obtained from the City of Tempe's Residential Rental Property website, https://www.tempe.gov/home/showdocument.?id=6232; by signing this Lease, you agree that you have received sufficient notification and taken receipt of the Brochure.

  1. PAYMENTS AND PRORATIONS: Upon execution, Resident agrees to pay, in the form of a Credit/Debit Card or E-Check, the following prorated rent (plus following months rent if move in date is after the 24th of the month) due for the first (partial) month Resident is in possession of the Premises: Premises Rent of , Other Rent of , Employee Discount of , and Municipal Sales Tax of , for a total of . Management reserves the right to charge a convenience fee for any Credit/Debit Card or ACH transaction equal to $0.00. Resident agrees to pay in advance the Total Monthly Rent for all subsequent months in the form of e-check, credit/debit card, or cashier's check, on or before the first calendar day of each and every month, at the Management Office or at such other place as Management may designate by written notice to the Resident. Only one check will be accepted per Apartment. Management reserves the right to require payment of rent or other charges owed under the Lease in certified funds.
    1. Concessions: At the commencement of the of this Lease, Management may have provided Resident with a rental concession, described below. This concession is provided with the understanding that in the event Resident does not fully perform under the 4.s and conditions of this Lease, Resident agrees to return to Management any concession herein previously accepted or to reimburse Management for the full market value of said concession.
      1. Description of Concession:

        • One-Time Concession of plus tax for


        • Vouchers


      2. Limitation: Any concessions granted as a monthly (or otherwise reoccurring) discount do not continue after the conclusion of the term of this Lease. All month-to-month holdover tenancies are done so without the benefit of any concession adjustments.
    2. Order of Payment: Regardless of any designation or description by Resident, Management may, in its sole discretion, apply funds received from Resident toward obligations Resident owes to Management in any order Management and its personnel so designate.
  2. Non-Refundable Fees: Upon execution, Resident agrees to pay to Management a non-refundable Administration Fee and a non-refundable Application Fee. These fees are applied to costs incurred by Management for the application and Lease preparation processes. In addition to these fees, Management may charge Resident other fees, which shall be non-refundable if so designated and explained.
  3. Deposits:
    1. Refundable Security Deposit: Concurrently with the execution hereof, Resident agrees to pay Management the Refundable Security Deposit, in full, as security for the faithful performance of Resident's obligations hereunder. Management shall be entitled to deduct from the Refundable Security Deposit the sum of plus tax for each apartment key not returned by Resident upon vacating the Premises, such amounts as may be necessary to remedy Resident's defaults in the payment of rent, other charges equivalent to rent and utility charges, and such other amounts as may be necessary to compensate Management for damage to the Premises occasioned by Resident's non-compliance with Resident's obligations under this Lease. The taking or application of security as provided herein shall not preclude
    1. Management from exercising any other available remedy for breach of this Lease or Resident's violation of the Arizona Residential Landlord and Tenant Act. No portion of the Refundable Security Deposit may be used by Resident as a credit for rent owed prior to termination or expiration of this Lease. Resident shall not be entitled to any interest on the Refundable Security Deposit. Upon the conclusion of the tenancy and as required by A.R.S. § 33-1321 the Refundable Security Deposit will be made payable to all leaseholders identified in this Lease or any amendments or modifications to this Lease after the date it is first executed. Under no circumstances will any deposit refund be made payable to one leaseholder to the exclusion of any other leaseholder.
    2. Conditions for Refund Resident must give to Management a written notice of intent to vacate not less than days prior to the ending date of this Lease or days prior to any calendar month if this Lease has continued on a month-to-month basis. At the time of move-out, all rents must be PAID IN FULL. The Resident must leave the Premises in a clean and habitable condition, normal wear and tear excepted. Provisions for move-out inspection will be made by Management on receipt of the appropriate written notice of intent to vacate. The Resident must supply Management complete information on forwarding address for return of deposit. With full compliance with this Lease, full compliance of the Rules and Regulations or the House Rules and/or attached addendum, and full compliance of all applicable statues and upon demand for return of refundable deposits Management may apply those deposits to accrued rent and damages, if any, as set out in section 3.1 above, and shall timely deliver to the Resident any remaining balance of refundable deposits.
  1. Term The term of this Rental Agreement shall be for the period of commencing on the and ending on . Unless written notice is otherwise provided, after the ending date of the term of the Lease it shall automatically continue on a month-to-month basis (A) not offset by any concession or other discount and (B) at a Month-to-Month Premises Rent equal to the Premises Rent set for above plus an additional [OR] of the Premises Rent. The parties expressly agree that, upon conversion of this Lease to a month-to-month lease, Resident is not entitled to any notification of the aforementioned Month-to-Month Premises Rent and that this provision is sufficient notice for the parties. Either party may terminate the continuing tenancy by giving written notice to the other party either (a) during the term of the Lease at least SIXTY (60) days prior to the ending date of the Lease or (b) during any month-to-month tenancy period at least THIRTY (30) days in advance of the commencement of a new month-to-month period. Any notice to terminate issued pursuant to this section must be signed by all leaseholders to be effective. After notice is properly given, the possession of the Premises by Resident shall terminate at the end of that notice period or on a later date as therein designated.
    1. Tax-Credit Housing: If this Apartment Community is participating in the Low-Income Housing/Tax Credit ("LIHTC") program as defined by Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code and if Resident leases the Premises pursuant to participation in the LIHTC program, Resident acknowledges that any extension or renewal of the Lease is contingent upon Resident providing Management with required information necessary to recertify Resident's continued eligibility for program participation. Resident further acknowledges that the failure to comply with recertification requirements may result in Management terminating Resident's tenancy and/or increasing the rent to the appropriate market rate.
  2. Termination Prior to Lease Expiration If Resident terminates this Lease prior to the conclusion of its term for any reason, voluntarily or involuntarily, Resident agrees that Management will suffer damages and that those damages will be difficult to quantify. As an agreed upon liquidation of those damages sustained by Management, Resident agrees to provide 30 days advance written notice, pay the amount of and repay any move-in incentives given at time of move-in (identified in section 1.1). This damages liquidation payment does not absolve Resident from returning the Premises in as good condition or superior to which Management provided it to Resident at the commencement of the Lease, normal wear and tear excepted. Management reserves the right to require payment of the termination fee required in this section at the time notice of intent to terminate is provided to Management.
  3. Late Charges Rent is due on the first day of each month. If the total monthly rent is not received by office close on the day of any month, a late charge of plus tax will be added to rent. An additional charge
  1. of plus tax shall be added for each day thereafter, if rent remains unpaid. Any payment made after the day of the month must be made via certified funds. Management reserves the right (under A.R.S. § 33-1371) to reject any partial payments, including, but not limited to, payment of the rent without the then-due late fees and/or applicable court costs and attorneys' fees.
  2. Dishonored Funds Charge: Resident agrees to pay as additional rent an administrative fee of plus tax for any payment tender that is dishonored by the financial institution upon which it is drawn. This fee is in addition to any applicable late charges. Management reserves the right to demand payment in the form of certified funds if a previous payment attempt is dishonored.
  3. Utilities: In addition to the Total Monthly Rent, Resident shall pay for those utilities identified as Resident's responsibility in the Utilities Addendum to this Lease, including any monthly administrative fees associated with utility sub-metering or billing and any taxes charged by a municipal, county, or state government. Resident agrees to pay all required deposits for gas and electricity and furnish Management receipt, prior to accepting occupancy. At all times during the Lease term Resident agrees to maintain an active utility account with the appropriate utility provider in Resident’s name. Failure to maintain an active utility account shall be a breach of this Lease agreement. In the event Resident permits a utility account to lapse or close and utilities consumed by Resident in the Premises are billed to Management, Resident shall be responsible for reimbursing Management for any such utility assessment and an administrative fee equal to Payment of the administrative fee and aforementioned reimbursement shall be due and owing as additional rent, subject to the provisions set forth in this Agreement concerning the rental due date and applicable late fees upon untimely payment of same.
  4. GUESTS: Resident may have guests visit and or stay in the Premises. Resident is responsible for the conduct of its guests and must take action to ensure guests are compliant with all rules and regulations governing Resident’s tenancy. Resident may have an overnight guest, however, an overnight guest may not stay in the Premises for more than consecutive days without Landlord’s written consent, or more than twice as many days in any one month period of time. Resident understands and acknowledges that Management may exclude any guest that, in its sole discretion, should be excluded from the Community. Resident may not allow any guest to come to the Community or stay in the Premises who has a criminal conviction for a sexual offense or is otherwise registered as a sex offender in any local, state, or national registry.
  5. Indemnity and Insurance:
    1. Indemnification: Management shall not be liable and Resident shall save Management harmless from any and all claims, losses, demands, or other liability whatsoever,for any damages or injury however suffered by or occurring to any person, including, without limitation, guests at the Apartment Community, which arise or are caused by any act of commission or omission of the Resident, Resident's occupants, family, guests, invitees or pets. Notwithstanding anything appearing in this paragraph to the contrary, the Resident does not agree to the exculpation or limitation of any liability of Management arising under law or to indemnify Management for that liability or costs connected therewith. Resident is informed that Management's insurance covers neither resident's property nor resident's acts or omissions.
    2. Insurance: Management requires that Resident obtain a policy of "renter's insurance." Evidence of the insurance coverage required herein shall be provided by way of a Certificate of Insurance issued by the insurance carrier(s) affording coverage to Resident of no less than . Such Certificate(s) of Insurance shall name Management as Certificate Holder and shall include the following language: "Should any of the above-described policies of insurance be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing company shall mail notice to the Certificate Holder regarding such cancellation within thirty (30) days of the cancellation." Failure to maintain the required insurance shall constitute a material breach of the Lease. Management may, at its discretion, assess an insurance violation fee of .
  6. Condition and Care of Premises:
    1. Condition: Resident shall not change locks, install exterior cameras, paint, decorate or alter in any way the Premises without the prior written permission from Management and shall not interfere with the quiet use and enjoyment by other residents of the community. Further, Resident shall comply with all state statutes and city ordinances which are applicable to the Premises and common areas. Resident has carefully

    1. inspected the Premises and finds them to be in a clean, habitable, undamaged condition except as may be noted on the apartment Inspection/Check Out Report. This Report will be used to determine refund of security deposit amount at the end of Resident's tenancy. Resident may be present at the Management's move out inspection.

      Management shall not be liable to Resident's family, invitees and occupants for any damage to person or property caused by the act or neglect of any other resident or non-resident at the community.

    2. Care: Resident agrees to exercise reasonable care in the use of the Premises, furnishings and community and to maintain and redeliver the same in a clean and safe condition, free from damage, unsightly debris, equipment or decor. Resident agrees to pay for all repairs, replacements and maintenance caused by his misconduct or negligence, that of his family, invitees, and occupants, and, at the option of Management, such charges shall be due and payable immediately or shall be regarded as additional rent to be paid no later than the next date on which rent is due following such repairs. Resident shall immediately report to Mark-Taylor Residential in writing when any locks, equipment, fixtures, furnishings or portion of the Premises have been damaged or are out of repair. Any damage to the Premises, fixtures or furnishings contained therein which is not otherwise explained in writing to Management within three (3) days after occurrence thereof, shall be presumed to have resulted from the Resident's neglect. Resident shall not allow a legally or physically inoperable vehicle to remain on the common areas or any other portion of the community for more than twenty-four (24) hours. No car repairs are to be made in or on the common areas or any other portion of the community. Any vehicle inoperable or in disrepair shall be subject to towing at the vehicle owner's expense. Vehicles with expired tags are considered to be improperly parked at the community and, therefore, a violation of the Lease.
    3. Vinyl Plank Flooring: Certain apartment communities managed by Mark-Taylor Residential, Inc. have vinyl plank flooring in the apartments. An elegant departure from boring, traditional flooring such as carpeting or linoleum, vinyl plank flooring is nonetheless considered to be a noisier surface than these other materials. If the apartment does have vinyl plank flooring installed therein Resident is hereby advised that such flooring is generally characterized as a noisier surface than non-vinyl flooring. Despite the characteristics that cause the increased potential for noise, the building has been constructed in such a way to minimize this increased noise possibility. Such efforts to abate additional noise include the following:

      Insulation: The floor insulation is R30. Normally, it is only R13 for apartments. As the "R-value" increases, so too does the insulation effectiveness for both temperature and noise.

      Sound wave channeling: Resilient metal channels have been installed between the drywall and the joist/floor member to absorb and redirect sound waves.

      While the above-mentioned noise abatement techniques were employed, Management cannot ensure that all noise will be absorbed by these enhancements to the building. Accordingly, Resident acknowledges that Management strongly recommends, in consideration of Resident's neighbors, that Resident utilize area rugs throughout the dwelling unit. Resident agrees to hold Management harmless for claims arising from or relating in any way to noise associated with or caused by the vinyl plank flooring.

    4. Amenities: Resident acknowledges that the use of the swimming pool area, the lounge, and other related amenities at the community are being furnished without charge by Management and that no guard or other supervision over the use of said swimming pool and facilities will be provided; and, fully under- stands the risks associated with the use of these facilities. Resident hereby assumes for himself, his family, occupants, and guests any and all risks associated with the use of said pool and facilities, and agrees that Management shall not be liable for any harm sustained by Resident, his family occupants, or guests in connection with said risks. Resident further understands and agrees that the use of any facility or amenity on the community is restricted to Resident and Resident’s family, occupants, and guests, and that express consent must be given by Management prior to another person's use of such facility or amenity. Resident hereby acknowledges that the amenities provided at this community are subject to change at the sole discretion of Management. Further, Resident acknowledges that its use of the community amenities is a privilege under
    1. the terms of this Lease and subject to revocation by Management should Resident improperly use said amenities or engage in conduct that is disruptive to other resident's use and/or enjoyment of the community amenities. Further, Resident acknowledges that Management may discontinue any use of a community amenity or restrict access to said amenity in response to any public health emergency or at the order of any state, county, or local official. Notwithstanding anything appearing in this paragraph to the contrary, the Resident does not agree to the exculpation or limitation of any liability of Management arising under law or to indemnify Management for that liability or costs connected therewith.
  1. Apartment Transfer: Management permits residents to request transfers to another apartment within the Apartment Community or to another Apartment Community managed by Management for a transfer fee of . Approval for any transfer shall be granted solely at the discretion of the Community Manager and inquiring Resident must meet all application standards at the time of the transfer application. Upon Management's approval of Resident's requested transfer, the transfer fee stated above shall be paid within two (2) days else the transfer will automatically be terminated. Transfers will not be approved prior to an inspection of the apartment by the Community Manager or his/her designee. In advance of the transfer, Resident must pay all fees and deposits for the transferred apartment, as Management does not transfer deposits to a new apartment, and must satisfy all monetary obligations due under the terms of the transfer. Deposits for the current/previous apartment will be disposed in accordance with A.R.S. § 33-1321(D) after surrender of possession of the current/previous apartment. The guidelines and policies regarding transfers are set forth in the separate Transfer Agreement, and any provisions set forth therein shall supersede and be controlling over any terms and conditions set forth in this paragraph or elsewhere in this Lease.
  2. Use: The Premises shall be occupied and used only as a residential dwelling unit. Any other use is prohibited. It is understood that no business use of the Premises, including the advertisement of same with Airbnb or any other short term rental website or listing service, shall be performed out of or in relation to the Premises.
  3. Damage Reimbursement: Resident must promptly reimburse Management for any loss, damage, or cost of repairs or service in the Premises and/or the community due a violation of the Lease and/or its rules, improper use of the Premises and/or the community and/or community amenities, or negligence by Resident, Resident's guests, or occupants. Management may require payment at any time, including advance payment of repairs for which you're liable. Delay in demanding sums you owe is not a waiver. Failure to reimburse Management for damages associated with a breach of this provision shall be considered a breach of the Lease entitling Management to the relief authorized by A.R.S. §§ 33-1368(A) and 33-1377. It is agreed and understood that the remedies provided for in this provision are in addition to the remedies prescribed for in A.R.S. § 33-1369.
  4. Prohibited Conduct: Resident agrees that it not to engage or permit unlawful activities in the Premises or on the grounds of the Community. Resident, any member of Resident's household, or a guest or other person under Resident's control shall not engage or facilitate in any criminal activity, including drug-related activity, on or near the premises or otherwise engage in conduct that poses a risk to the health, safety, and/or welfare of the community, its residents, or members of the on-site management team in violation of A.R.S. § 33-1368(A). Resident and its guests or occupants may not engage in any disruptive behavior on community grounds that disturbs or threatens the rights, comfort, safety, health, or welfare of other residents or Management's agents and/or employees, on or near the apartment community, or disrupt the business operations of the community. Resident agrees not to make bad faith or defamatory statements about Management to others or otherwise attempt to interfere with the leasing activities at the Community.
  5. Non-Desparagement: While Resident is free to engage in lawful conduct as authorized by The Consumer Review Fairness Act of 2016 (the "Act") Resident is prohibited from making certain disclosures where the disclosure would constitute an unwarranted invasion of privacy or the content is unlawful, contains the personal information or likeness of another person, is libelous, harassing, abusive, obscene, vulgar, or sexually explicit, or is inappropriate with respect to race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity or other intrinsic characteristics.
  6. Access: Resident shall allow Management and its agent and/or vendors access at all reasonable times to the Premises for the purpose of inspection or to show said apartment to prospective purchasers, mortgagees, or any other persons having legitimate interest therein, or to make necessary repairs or improvements. Management shall give Resident at least two (2) days` notice of Management's intent to exercise its right of access except in
  1. cases of emergencies, or where notice shall be impractical, or where the Resident has abandoned the Premises or had failed to properly maintain the Premises. Additionally, Resident acknowledges that by providing written notification to Management of a maintenance concern within the Premises, Resident automatically grants to Management the right of immediate entry into Premises pursuant to A.R.S. § 33-1343(B).
  2. Abandonment: If the Resident abandons his tenancy, as defined in A.R.S. § 33-1370(H), and Management reasonably determines that the cost of removing, storing and selling the Resident's personal property would exceed the amount that would be realized from the sale thereof, Management may, at its option, destroy or otherwise dispose of the
  3. Apartment Community Policies: The policies and rules provided in Schedule "A," the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, are deemed a part of this Agreement and a breach of any rule by Resident or his/her guest(s) or invitee(s) shall constitute a default hereunder. Pursuant to A.R.S. § 33-1342, from time to time, may adopt rules or regulations, however described, concerning the tenant's use and occupancy of the premises. Subject to the limitations set forth in A.R.S. § 33-1342 Landlord shall provide at least thirty (30) days' notice of any change in the rules or regulations enforceable against Resident.
  4. Fire, Casualty, and Taking: In the event the Premises shall be damaged or destroyed by fire, casualty or taking, the monthly rent payable hereunder by Resident shall be reduced or abated to the extent that such damage or destruction renders the Premises uninhabitable, until such time as the Premises, or what remains thereof after a taking, shall have been repaired or restored to a tenantable condition. Nothing contained herein, however, shall require or be deemed to require Management or the owner of the community to restore or repair the Premises. In the sole discretion of Management, if the damage sustained to the Premises is sufficient to impair Resident's lawful use of the Premises, Management shall have the right to terminate this Lease by issuing a five (5) day notice to quit and return to Resident any pre-paid rent and deposit proceeds appropriate to disburse under A.R.S. § 33-1321. In the event the casualty was caused by Resident or Resident's occupants or guests, Management may terminate the Lease as specified above and is entitled to apply any and all pre-paid rent and deposit proceeds to damages sustained and is not obligated to release Resident from financial responsibility under the Lease.
  5. Animals: Unless otherwise provided under federal, state, or local law, no animals (including mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, rodents, insects, or other exotic breeds) are permitted, even on a temporary basis, anywhere in the Premises or Community unless Management has approved the animal in animal. Upon demand by Management, you must remove any illegal or unauthorized animal within 24 hours of notice from us. If we allow an animal as a pet, you must execute a separate animal addendum which may require additional deposits, rents, fees or other charges. In the event Resident brings an unauthorized animal to the Community or into the Premises, Management reserves the right to assess an unauthorized pet fee of .
  6. Fair Housing: Management is fully committed to complying with the letter and the spirit of all state, federal and local fair housing laws. Those laws prohibit discrimination against any person because of that person's race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, familial status, or physical or mental disability. Any person who believes that Management, or any of its agents or employees, is engaging in unlawful discrimination in violation of these laws is encouraged to communicate these concerns to Management's corporate office.
  7. Reasonable Accomodations: Reasonable accommodations are changes in rules, policies, practices or services that are reasonably necessary to provide a person with a disability an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. Any person needing an accommodation should notify the manager or assistant manager at the Apartment Community that he or she is requesting an accommodation, the nature of the accommodation requested, and a brief explanation of why he/she needs the accommodation. This request for an accommodation may be made by a person with a disability or by any other person acting on behalf of such person. Management reserves the right to seek other information, including medical information, if it determines that it needs that information to determine whether a request for an accommodation is reasonable. If Management determines that a person with a disability needs the accommodation, management will grant the request unless doing so will impose an undue hardship, including an undue financial or administrative burden, or will substantially change the nature of the program that the property offers. Any person who believes that an accommodation request was improperly denied is encouraged to address those concerns to Management's corporate office.
  1. Reasonable Modifications: Reasonable modifications involve structural changes to the premises that are reasonably necessary to provide a person with a disability an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling. No structural changes may be made without the approval of Management. Any person who needs a modification of the dwelling because of a disability should contact Management. Management reserves the right to seek other information, including medical information, if it determines that it needs that information to decide whether the request for a modification is reasonable. If a modification request is reasonable, Management will grant that request subject to the requirements: (1) that the modification be done at the expense of the tenant; (2) that the modification be performed in a workmanlike manner; and (3) that if the modification will affect a subsequent tenant's use or enjoyment of the premises, that the tenant seeking the modification will agree to restore the apartment to its original condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted.

    Any person who believes that a modification request was improperly denied is encouraged to address those concerns to Management's corporate office.

  2. Harassment: Harassment because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, familial status or disability is a violation of the fair housing act. Any person who believes he/she has been subjected to harassment is encouraged to promptly report the conduct to Management's corporate office. No person will be subject to retaliation or other adverse action for reporting such harassment. Management considers harassment a serious offense and will promptly investigate any such reports. Persons who engage in harassment are subject to penalties up to and including termination of tenancy or termination of employment.
  3. Military Personnel: Management fully supports its residents who are active-duty or reserve military personnel. Military personnel on active duty may terminate, without penalty or repayment of concession, the Lease upon receipt of orders of enlistment into military service, transfer to military base, facility, or vessel, or release from active duty. Resident agrees to give thirty (30) days' advance written notice and rent will be prorated from the notice date to the move-out date. Assignment instructions for voluntary occupancy of government quarters are not sufficient for termination of this Lease.
  4. Disclosure of Resident's Contact: Resident hereby designates the following individual as Resident's designee, as authorized by A.R.S. § 33-1314(F), in case of emergency, incapacity, or death: . The person so designated shall have the ability to enter the tenant's dwelling unit to retrieve and store the tenant's property including the tenant's animal if the tenant dies or is otherwise incapacitated.
  5. Special Provisions:
  6. Lease Amendments: Unless otherwise required to do so as a matter of law, any changes to this Lease including, but not limited to, the removal or additional of leaseholders, roommates, or occupants, must be in writing and are in the sole discretion of Management and shall be subject to an administrative fee of per occurrence. This fee shall be due and payable as additional rent under the terms of this Lease.
  7. Default: The failure by either Resident or Management to fully perform this Lease in any manner shall entitle either party to take all actions against the defaulting party as provided by law. Any notice issued by Management to Resident for any breach of the Lease or any of the accompanying addenda shall be subject to a notice fee of due and owing as additional rent under the terms of this Lease.
  1. SUBORDINATION: This Lease is and shall remain subordinate to any ground lease, mortgage, trust deed, or other encumbrance or security instrument now existing or hereafter to be placed upon the Premises and to any modifications, extensions, replacements and advances in connection therewith. Resident shall attorn to the Apartment Community owner’s Lender in the event it obtains possession of the Property through foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure or otherwise, so long as Lender agrees not to disturb the Resident if Resident is not in default under the Lease.
  2. NON-WAIVER AND SEVERABILITY: The failure of Management to insist upon the strict performance of the terms, covenants, and conditions herein contained shall not be deemed a waiver of any of Management’s rights or remedies herein. If any Court declares a particular provision of this Agreement to be invalid or illegal, all other terms of this Agreement will remain in effect and both Management and Resident will continue to be bound by them.
  3. BINDING EFFECT: This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of Management and Resident.
  4. ASSIGNMENT: Resident shall not assign this Lease or sub-let the Premises or any part thereof. This prohibition includes the listing of the Premises on any platform for lease.
  5. ATTORNEYS’ FEES: All legal costs, attorneys’ fees, and other expenses in enforcing this Lease shall be paid to the prevailing party by the non-prevailing party.
  6. JURY TRIAL WAIVER: Resident and Management both hereby waive their respective rights to trial by jury in any special detainer, forcible entry and detainer, or civil action arising out of or in any way connected with this Lease.
  7. Disclosure of Management and Notices: Management, with offices at 6623 North Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale, Maricopa County, Arizona, USA 85250, is authorized to act for and on behalf of the owner of the Apartment Community for purposes of service of process and for receiving or receipting notices or demands. To be effective, all notices, demands and other communications directed to Management shall be in writing and personally delivered during office hours, or mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid to Mark-Taylor Residential Inc., at the above address, or to the resident manager at the office in the Apartment Community. Service of legal process should be made upon Management through its statutory agent, as registered with the Arizona Corporation Commission; the community manager is not authorized to accept such service.
  8. Lease Amendments: Unless otherwise required to do so as a matter of law, any changes to this Lease including, but not limited to, the removal or additional of leaseholders, roommates, or occupants, must be in writing and are in the sole discretion of Landlord and shall be subject to an administrative fee of $0.00 per occurrence. This fee shall be due and payable as additional rent under the terms of this Lease.
  9. Disclosure of Management and Notices: Management, with offices at 6623 North Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale, Maricopa County, Arizona, USA 85250, is authorized to act for and on behalf of the owner of the Apartment Community for purposes of service of process and for receiving or receipting notices or demands. To be effective, all notices, demands and other communications directed to Management shall be in writing and personally delivered during office hours, or mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid to Mark-Taylor Residential Inc., at the above address, or to the resident manager at the office in the Apartment Community. Service of legal process should be made upon Management through its statutory agent, as registered with the Arizona Corporation Commission; the community manager is not authorized to accept such service.
  10. The Community Manager of the Apartment Community is:

    Community Manager
    On-Site Management Office Address
    Telephone No.

(Resident) Date
(Mark-Taylor Residential, Inc. / Subagent for Owner) Date