Unit #:    Bldg #:

Movie Library Policies

  1. No more than movie may be checked-out per apartment at one time.
  2. Movies must be returned within days of check-out date.
  3. Late charges will start to accrue on the day after check-out date at a rate of per day and will be charged to your rental account.
  4. No additional movies may be checked-out until all previous movies have been returned and all late charges paid.
  5. If a movie is not returned within days of check-out, a fee of will be charged to your rental account.
  6. If a movie is returned damaged, a fee of will be charged to your rental account.
  7. Only residents of are allowed to check-out movies.
  8. Rated "R" movies will not be checked-out to any residents under the age of 17.
  9. Minors must have written permission to check-out movies.
  10. Federal law provides severe civil and criminal penalties for the unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or exhibition of copyrighted motion pictures, video tapes and video disc. (Title 17 U.S. Code Section 501 and 506). The FBI investigates allegations of criminal copyrighted motion pictures, videotapes, and sound recordings.

(Resident) Date
(Mark-Taylor Residential, Inc. / Subagent for Owner) Date