Resident Enrollment & Acknowledgement

This Addendum (this "Addendum") is an addendum to the Residential Lease Agreement (the "Lease Agreement") executed by the undersigned Resident on the date started below, and is hereby made part of the Lease Agreement.

  1. Unit. This Addendum applies to the Apartment Unit named below.
  2. Non-Refundable Fee Payment. Prior to execution of the Lease Agreement, Resident is required to either (a) post the required Security Deposit; or (b) pay a Security Deposit Alternative Fee in the amount stated below in lieu of the refundable Security Deposit. Resident has elected to pay the Security Deposit Alternative Fee and shall pay such Fee to ePremium as directed by Landlord.
  3. Character of Payment. Resident acknowledges and agrees that the Security Deposit Alternative Fee is non-refundable and is for the sole benefit of Landlord. Resident will not be given credit for, and the Security Deposit Alternative Fee will not be applied in reduction of, any amounts owed to Landlord under the Lease Agreement. If Resident does not perform Resident's obligations under the Lease Agreement, Resident will owe Landlord the full amount of any and all losses of rent, damages, claims, fees, expenses and other amounts (including attorney's fees, expenses, if applicable) for which Resident is responsible under the Lease. Acceptance of the Security Alternative Fee by ePremium on behalf of Landlord does not constitute a waiver by Landlord of any right to recover the entire amount owed by Resident under the Lease Agreement. The Resident shall remain fully liable to Landlord for all obligations under the Lease Agreement.
I agree to pay the Non-Refundable Security Deposit Alternative Fee. I have read this addendum and
understand that it is part of the Lease Agreement.
Deposit Alternative Fee:
Lease Execution Date:
Full Name(s):

(Resident) Date
(Mark-Taylor Residential, Inc. / Subagent for Owner) Date

Please make payment to ePremium We cannot accept cash payments.