Apartment #
Permit #

Parking Agreement


Apt #:    Bldg. #:    Date:

This Parking Agreement shall apply to all residents and their guests. Except as stated otherwise herein, no alterations to this Agreement shall be made without the written consent of both parties.

Vehicles: Resident hereby identifies the following vehicle(s) owned/leased/used by occupants of the Apartment:

Vehicle 1 Information
Plate #:

Assigned Parking:

There is no assigned parking and all parking is first come/first served,
there is assigned parking and your assigned parking space(s) is/are # . The rent for your assigned parking space is per month and must be paid in advance on or before the first day of each monthly rental period.

Resident Parking: Resident parking is permitted as follows:

  1. Except for spaces designated for disabled vehicles or under Management's Reasonable Accommodation policies, all other parking spaces will be assigned by group and will require a parking permit.
  2. Each Apartment will be assigned either a green decal, for garage units with a tandem parking space. (set forth in a separate Addendum). Or a blue decal for regular assigned parking spaces.
  3. Each Apartment will be assigned up to 2 decals for a one bedroom unit or 3 decals for a two or three bedroom unit.
  4. Only the vehicle upon which the parking permit is displayed or affixed will be permitted to park on the grounds of the community in a space reserved for permit-only parking.
  5. The rent for the parking permit is per month, due and payable as additional rent, and shall be paid at the same time as the Total Monthly Rent.
  6. Residents assigned a garage must use their garage and tandem space first before parking in any uncovered/unassigned space.

Guest Parking: Guest parking is allowed on the property only in designated guest parking spaces. Residents shall not park in guest parking spaces.

Identification: Parking tags/stickers/identification (hereafter referred to collectively as,"identification") is is not provided to resident. If identification is provided to Resident, then the identification must be clearly displayed on, in, or within the vehicle, and clearly visible from outside the vehicle, while the vehicle is on the premises. All identification is non-transferable. In the event you misplace or lose said identification, you shall be assessed a replacement fee of (not to exceed $50.00).

Rules & Regulations: (a) Residents shall not use parking spaces for storage of personal property; (b) if parking has been assigned, you must park your vehicle in your assigned parking space; (c) you must not operate any vehicle in excess of five miles per hour in any parking lot, parking area and/or driveway; (d) your vehicle(s) must, at all times,

be fully registered, licensed and insured; (e) no vehicle(s) shall be permitted in any parking lot, parking area and/or driveway which is leaking oil, coolant, transmission fluid, gasoline, or other liquids; (f) you shall not wash vehicles anywhere on the premises unless expressly authorized to do so by Management; (g) you shall not park any vehicle on the premises which is inoperable or in a state of disrepair; (h) you shall not repair any vehicle upon the premises, parking areas, and/or parking lots; and (i) you must, at all times, comply with all laws governing motor vehicles and their use.

Prohibited Parking: Parking is expressly prohibited (a) in red fire lanes, (b) if parking blocks entrances; (c) in any space reserved for disabled person parking (unless the vehicle displays a current disabled person parking permit; (d) in front of dumpsters, recycling containers, and/or trash containers if said parking prevents any trash hauler and/or recycler from picking up and removing trash/recycling; (e) on/upon sidewalks, lawns, landscaping, and/or common areas not intended for use for parking; (f) in violation of any prominently posted parking prohibition; (g) in such a manner so as to prevent access by emergency vehicle; and/or (h) in any assigned space, unless assigned to the vehicle parked therein. Parking of boats, trailer, recreational vehicles, and commercial vehicles is prohibited anywhere on the premises without the express consent of Management.

No Warranties or Guarantees: Management neither warrants nor guarantees the continual availability of parking to or for Residents and/or guests. Unassigned parking spaces that have not been specially marked for guests or visitors are available to any Resident if and when available. Management cannot guarantee that other vehicle operators won't wrongfully park in any assigned space, that there is or will be enough unassigned spaces for all Residents to achieve satisfactory parking results, and/or that vehicle(s) subject to towing will be towed within a time frame satisfactory to Resident. Management may, at Management's sole option, and without Resident having any claim for breach and/or damages, close off, or deny access to, parking areas in order to perform repairs, maintenance, cleaning, and/or improvements.

Modifications/Termination: Notwithstanding any lease terms that may govern Resident's right to occupy a dwelling unit, either party may terminate this Agreement by first serving upon the other no less than thirty (30) days written notice of intent to terminate this Agreement. Management may, upon no less than thirty (30) days written notice to Resident, unilaterally modify/change the size, appearance and/or location of parking spaces designation (including but not limited to permit-only, disable/accessible, and guest-only). This Agreement shall automatically terminate simultaneously with termination of Resident's tenancy.

Hazards; Hold Harmless and Indemnification: Resident acknowledges that Resident's vehicle, and/or any portions and/or contents thereof, may be damaged, broken into, and/or stolen due to no fault of Management. Resident shall hold harmless and indemnify Management from and against any and all claims for damage or loss to Resident's vehicle and/or contents unless said damage was intentionally caused by Management and/or Management's agents. Resident further acknowledges that parking lots and parking areas are inherently dangerous due to the size, weight and momentum of vehicles and therefore agrees not to loiter or play in or on parking lots/areas.

Damages: Resident shall be responsible for all damage caused by Resident and/or Resident's vehicle (include any substances leaking or emerging Resident's vehicle) to any parking lots, parking areas, common areas, and/or other portions of the premises.

Cross Default: Any default in the performance of this Addendum shall also constitute a material default in the Resident's performance of the parties' Rental Agreement.

Towing Without Notice: Management or its Agent may tow a motor vehicle without notice to the owner or operator of the vehicle if the motor vehicle (a) blocks or prevents access by emergency vehicles; (b) blocks or prevents entry to the premises; (c) blocks a parked motor vehicle; (d) violates a prominently posted parking prohibition; (e) blocks or is unlawfully parked in a space reserved for persons with disabilities; (f) is parked in an area not intended for motor vehicles including, but not limited to, sidewalks, lawns and landscaping; (g) is parked in a specific space assigned to a Resident and Management/Agent has obtained permission from the Resident to whom

the space is assigned to tow the vehicle; (h) is parked without permission in a parking facility used for residents of an apartment and there are more residential units than there are parking spaces. The Management/Agent may tow a motor vehicle without notice to the owner or operator of the vehicle if (1) Management has issued parking tags or other devices that identify vehicles that are authorized to be parked on the premises; (2) there are signs posted that are clearly readable by an operator of a motor vehicle in each parking stall or at each entrance to the parking facility prohibiting or restricting public parking on the parking facility; (3) is parked in a space reserved for tenants but is not assigned to a tenant and does not display identification as required above.

Towing After Notice: Management or its Agent is authorized to tow any inoperable vehicle (a) that has not been parked in violation of any of the foregoing terms or conditions; (b) after prominently affixing a 72-Hour Notice thereon which states that the vehicle will be towed if it is not (i) removed, or (ii) brought into compliance with the above stated terms and conditions.

Towing Company: Management has retained the services of , a towing company, to patrol and tow vehicles. (Note: if the name is left blank, then please refer to prominently posted signs located on or upon the property for the name and contact information for the towing company.)

By signing below, resident has read and agrees to all terms of this lease addendum.

(Resident) Date
(Mark-Taylor Residential, Inc. / Subagent for Owner) Date