Parking And Garage Use Addendum

This Parking and Garage Use Addendum (hereinafter referred to as "Addendum") is made this by and between as authorized agent for the owner (hereinafter collectively referenced as "Management") and the following person(s), hereinafter collectively referenced as "Tenant"), who shall be jointly and severally liable hereunder

  1. Garage Use. Management agrees to lease to Tenant and Tenant agrees to lease from Management the parking space # located in the parking garage of (hereinafter "the Community"), located at for a term commencing and concluding on . The Parties agree that the use of the Garage, whether in an assigned parking space or an unassigned parking space, is only authorized if this Addendum is executed and Resident is given permission to park in the Garage. No vehicle may park in the Garage, even temporarily, without express permission of Management. Due to the limited number of parking spaces available, there shall be no guest parking in the Garage.
  2. Access to the Garage. Any vehicle that is given permission by Management to park in the Garage will be given a code to enter the Garage and will be given a parking decal. The parking decal must be displayed on the vehicle's window at all times. Any vehicle parking in the Garage that is not registered with Management and/or is not showing a parking decal is subject to removal from the Garage at the vehicle owner's expense.
  3. Parking Rent. Parking in the Community Garage is subject to the assessment of monthly parking rent. The monthly parking rent shall be and is due and owing as additional rent on the first of each month. Failure to pay the monthly parking rent shall be subject to those provisions in the Lease concerning non-payment of rent including, but not limited to, those provisions in the lease concerning late fees on outstanding rental balances.
  4. Restriction on Garage Use. The Garage is intended solely for the parking of the resident's vehicle(s) only and may not be used for residential purposes or to house live animals. Further, the Garage may not be used for any unlawful purpose, nor will the resident keep in the Garage any explosive or highly flammable material or fluids, hazardous goods or substances whose storage or use contravenes the law. Resident agrees that any vehicle stored in the Garage will be in good working order and that said vehicle will not cause oil or other mechanical fluids to drip onto the Garage flooring. Resident agrees to hold Landlord, other residents, and third parties harmless and indemnify, save, and defend such persons from any loss resulting from the property kept in the Garage. Resident may not conduct any business or commercial transactions in or about the Garage. Resident may not make any alterations or modifications to the Garage or attach any fixtures or signs in or about the unit without written consent of the Landlord. Resident represents to Landlord that all personal property to be stored by the resident in the Garage will belong to the resident with no other person having any right, title, or interest in such property.
  5. Storage in Garage. The Garage is a communal garage and storage of any items, aside from vehicles, in the Garage is expressly prohibited. Management makes no representations as to the safety and/or security of the Garage and Resident assumes any and all risk of loss of property by parking any vehicle in the Garage. The use of the Garage and parking of any authorized vehicle in same is not to be considered a bailment. Resident agrees to indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from and against any and all claims, damages, costs and expenses, including attorney's fees, arising from, or in connection with the Resident's use of the Garage.
  6. Prohibited Items. Aside from fuel located within a vehicle's fuel tank, Resident shall not store flammable liquids (e.g., gasoline, paint, compressed gas cylinders) in the garage. Boats, RVs, campers, and other similar vehicles shall not be stored in garages, on the grounds of the community, or anywhere within the leased premises.
  7. Limitation on Liability. To the extent allows by Arizona law, and Mark-Taylor Residential are not responsible for any damage resulting from the operation of the automatic garage door. Resident shall exercise due care and caution when using the automatic garage door and should not proceed to pass through the door if the door appears to be closing or malfunctioning.
  1. Miscellaneous Terms. Resident may not assign this addendum or any part of it or may not let or sublet the whole or any portion of the Garage without prior written consent of the Landlord. Resident agrees to disconnect any extension cords or electrical equipment and turn off all lights when not in use. Upon Resident's failure to pay rent or other charges when due or upon failure of resident to vacate the Garage.

By signing below the parties hereto agree to be bound to the terms set forth in this Addendum.

(Resident) Date
(Mark-Taylor Residential, Inc. / Subagent for Owner) Date