Personal Security Camera Addendum

This Security Camera Lease Contract (hereinafter referred to as "Addendum") is made on by and between as authorized agent for the owner (hereinafter collectively referenced as "Management") and the following person(s), hereinafter collectively referenced as "Tenant"), who shall be jointly and severally liable hereunder.

  1. Authorized Use of Personal Security Camera. Management agrees to permit Resident to install a Ring Peephole Camera or similar peephole style device. Resident is not required to get prior permission from Landlord to install a Ring Peephole Camera or similar peephole style device on Resident's front door provided Resident complies with the installation restrictions discussed below. It is agreed and understood by the parties that no other camera has been authorized and the installation, by Resident, of any camera other than the Ring Peephole Camera or similar peephole style device, shall be a material breach of this Addendum.
  2. Installation Restrictions. Resident shall be permitted to install the Ring Peephole Camera, or similar peephole style device, provided there is no alterations to the door or peephole required for installation including, but not limited to, the removal of an existing doorbell, drilling a larger peephole opening, or removing and/or exposing pre-existing doorbell wiring. Under no circumstances may a camera, of any kind, be installed on the exterior of the leased premises other than the Ring Peephole Camera or similar peephole style device. No modifications to the exterior of the leased premises, other than the authorized modification to the peephole, subject to the limitations set forth above, may be made. The use of adhesives, nails, and/or screws to install any video monitoring device on the front door or exterior of the leased premises is expressly prohibited. Any installation of a device on the exterior of the leased premises or the front door into the leased premises may be removed by Management, without notice to Resident, and at Resident's expense. Any damage sustained to the leased premises or the front door is payable, on demand, as additional rent owed under the terms of the Lease.
  3. Use Restrictions. Resident must not use the Ring Peephole Camera or similar peephole style device to harass or aggravate any other resident at the community or otherwise cause a disturbance to the quiet enjoyment of the community. Units with a front door that directly faces the front door of another unit at the community or a common amenity area including but not limited to pool, spa, tennis courts and/or fitness center are not eligible for the installation of the Ring Peephole Camera or similar peephole style device due to resident privacy laws. Under no circumstances is Resident permitted to record any resident or invitee at the community without the permission of the person being recorded. Further, Resident is prohibited from publishing on any community Facebook page or other public or private social media platform any video recording captured from the use of their personal Ring Peephole Camera or similar peephole style device. Management is aware that the Ring Peephole Camera or similar peephole style device will record videos after being triggered by the motion detector and that said videos are capable of being saved and distributed. However, Resident is not permitted to distribute these videos in any form unless necessary to aid in the prosecution or investigation into criminal activity or otherwise requested by law enforcement. Any violation of this provision shall be deemed a material breach of this Addendum.
  4. Indemnification. Resident shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Management, its officers, officials, and employees from and against any and all claims, suits, actions, or other liabilities of any person, or for loss or damage to property, which arises out of Resident's use of the Ring Peephole Camera or similar peephole style device.

By signing below the parties hereto agree to be bound to the terms set forth in this Addendum.

(Resident) Date
(Mark-Taylor Residential, Inc. / Subagent for Owner) Date