Unit #: Bldg #:

Pool Rules And Guidelines

Association And Management Disclaimer
No Lifeguard on Duty!!

Property Name:

The Association and its management team do not assume responsibility for the safety of any person in the pool or pool area. Actions taken by residents and their guests, negligent or otherwise, are strictly the responsibility of the resident(s) and guest(s). Residents and guests are responsible for the safety of any children in their care.

The following is a list of the Pool Rules and Guidelines recognized by the Association and which will be enforced by the Association's Management team:

  1. All gates must be kept CLOSED AND LATCHED at all times. Do not prop gates open for any reason.
  2. The pool hours are from ; however, excessive noise and loud music are expressly prohibited in the pool and pool area at ALL times.
  3. All children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by all adult resident at all times while in the pool or pool area. It is recommended that no more than two children are under any one adult's supervision at any time in the pool area.
  4. Playing with safety equipment is prohibited.
  5. Climbing pool fences is unsafe and prohibited.
  6. Showering before swimming is recommended.
  7. Appropriate swim wear is required. Cut-offs are not allowed as the strings may get caught in the pool filters and may cause a pool closure for repairs that might occur.
  8. Children in diapers are required to wear rubber pants or swim diapers. Standard disposable or cloth diapers are not allowed.
  9. NO alcoholic beverages are allowed inside the pool or pool area. Use of the pool while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not recommended.
  10. NO glass containers of any type are allowed. Should something break in the pool, the pool will need to be drained, cleaned, inspected, and refilled, causing a closure of a minimum of one (1) week.
  11. NO diving, running, pushing, rough housing, splashing, dunking, rollerblading, roller-skating, bicycling, skateboarding, or other horseplay is allowed in the pool or pool area.
  12. NO animals or pets are allowed in the pool or pool area at any time, other than service animals.
  13. Large floatation devices are prohibited.
  14. Pool usage is strictly limited to residents and their guests. Guests not accompanied by the appropriate resident(s) will be escorted from the pool area. Residents shall be responsible for the actions of their guests and property owners shall be responsible for the actions of their tenants and tenant's guests.
  15. Groups with more than eight (8) guests shall require prior approval of the Management.
  16. Any damage to the pool or pool area must be reported to Management immediately.
  17. Residents are responsible for cleaning up all garbage or debris prior to leaving the pool or pool area.
  18. The pool may be closed for short periods of time while being serviced and treated by a company contracted on behalf of the Association.
  1. A pool key will be provided at no charge. A lost key will be replaced by Management upon request; however, residents will be charged a key replacement fee for every replacement key in an amount determined by Management.

I have read and fully understand the attached Pool Rules and Guidelines for the . Myself and my guests will abide by these rules at all times while using the community pool.

I accept the attached rules:

(Resident) Date