Exhibit A
Addendum to Lease Agreement:

Provision For Reasonable Accommodations and

Modifications For Residents or Applicants with Disabilities

This addendum is attached to and made part of the Apartment Lease Agreement by and between (the "Owner"), the Owner of the Premises*, acting through its agent, Mark-Taylor Residential (hereinafter referred to as "Manager"), and (hereinafter referred to as "Resident") of Apartment number located at . Any action taken under this Addendum by the Owner may be done through its designee, including the Manager.

  1. Overview

    Owner provides rental housing on an equal opportunity basis. Owner will not discriminate against any person because of his or her disability and welcomes residents that have a disability, become disabled, or who have recurring visits by people with a disability. In addition, Owner allows certain Modifications to units or Accommodations to policies and procedures be made to enable persons with disabilities to fully enjoy and use their residences.

    A Reasonable Accommodation is a change in rules, policies, practices, or services so that a person with a disability will have an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling unit or common space. A Reasonable Modification is a structural modification that is made to allow persons with disabilities the full enjoyment of the housing and related facilities. These reasonable Accommodations and Modifications would include those from the various "safe harbors" of the Fair Housing Act (FHA) and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (as modified by certain accepted tolerances) not already found in the dwelling unit or public and common use areas.

  2. Accommodations Available to Resident

    A Resident that has a disability, becomes disabled, or who has recurring visits by people with a disability may request that certain Accommodations be made to rules, policies, practices, and/or services, to the extent that such Accommodations are necessary to give persons with a disability an equal opportunity to use and enjoy their apartment and the public and common use areas of the property. Resident (or someone acting on their behalf) should complete a Request for reasonable accommodation form, or a substantial equivalent thereof, unless unable to do so due to the nature of their disability in which case, assistance will be provided by Owner to Resident in completing the documentation necessary for the request. Upon approval, Accommodations will be made by the Owner or Owner's designee.

    To learn more about Accommodations, or for assistance with completing the request form, please contact the on-site leasing office.

  3. Modifications Available to Resident

    A Resident that has a disability, becomes disabled, or who has recurring visits by people with a disability may request to make other reasonable Modifications to their dwelling unit if the proposed Modifications are necessary for the full enjoyment of the Premises*. A Modification generally requires physical changes be made to Resident's dwelling unit to facilitate accessibility through doorways, accessibility to appliances and accessibility to fixtures in bathrooms. Depending on the circumstances, the cost of Modification may be borne by the Owner or Resident, and will be determined on a case by case basis. Owner may offer to make Modifications using its own employees at a mutually agreed upon cost to Resident. Resident (or someone acting on their behalf) should complete a Request for reasonable modification form, or a substantial equivalent thereof, unless unable to do so due to the nature of their disability. In which case, assistance will be provided by Owner to Resident in completing the documentation necessary for the request.

To learn more about Modifications, or for assistance with completing the request form, please contact the on-site leasing office.

Permission to perform the necessary Modification is subject to the following:

  1. For disabilities that are not apparent, Resident may be asked for information that is necessary to evaluate the disability-related need for the Modification; however, all information will be kept confidential. Depending on the Modification requested, Owner may require Resident to provide reasonable assurances that the Modification will be done in a workmanlike manner. Owner may also require the Resident or Resident's contractor obtain any required building permits. Owner will require any contractor hired to perform work to show proof of Builder's Risk, General Liability, and Workers' Compensation insurance. Additionally, Owner has the right to inspect the work at any time by giving a minimum 24 hour written notice to Resident of such inspection.
  2. In some circumstances, at the end of lease term, Resident may be responsible to restore the interior of the Premises to the condition that existed before the Modification, reasonable wear and tear excepted.
  3. If applicable, Resident and Resident's contractors agree to strictly adhere to all applicable local and state building codes and ordinances.
  4. Owner will not increase Resident's required security deposit as a result of Modifications. However, if Resident fails to restore dwelling unit to an original condition (for any Modification paid for by Resident), excluding normal wear and tear, at the end of Resident's lease Owner will deduct the cost of the restoration from the security deposit. Resident will be billed for any remaining balance to restore the dwelling unit to its original condition if security deposit is insufficient.
  5. Before work begins on any Modification, Resident, or a contractor assuming responsibility on behalf of the Resident, must submit to the Owner (through the Manager):

    • plans and specification showing the nature of the Modification;
    • materials to be used in the proposed Modification;
    • floor plan (if applicable);
    • approximate cost of proposed Modification;
    • name, address and telephone number of company or person(s) who will perform or make the Modifications; and
    • any additional sketches, drawings, clippings, pictures, etc. that may assist the Owner through the Modification process.
  6. Resident (or someone acting on their behalf) should complete a Request for reasonable modification form, or a substantial equivalent thereof, unless unable to do so due to the nature of their disability in which case, assistance will be provided by Owner to Resident in completing the documentation necessary for the request.

*"Premises" means interior or exterior parts, components or elements of a building or a dwelling unit, including the public and common use of areas of a building.

(Resident) Date