Unit #: Bldg #:

Swimming Pool and Spa Policies

The pools are maintained for our Residents' pleasure and safety. They are operated and inspected under rules of the Health Department. We ask your cooperation in the following, so the pools may be available for your use and enjoyment. Management reserves the right to enforce these rules and restrict pool privileges should any resident or guest abuse these policies.

  1. Pools will be opened at the discretion of Management. The pool may be closed at any time for mechanical or chemical maintenance. If applicable, "Quiet Time" is
  2. All Residents are welcome in the pool during the hours of operation. Each apartment is allowed 2 guests at any one time if, in the opinion of management, there is sufficient room in the pool area. Residents are responsible for all action and behavior of their guests. All guests must be accompanied by an adult Resident at all times.
  3. Our pool hours are
  4. Glass containers and food are not allowed in the pool area at any time.
  5. Diving, running, pushing, loud noises, and roughhousing are not permitted in the pool area at any time. (Climbing, sitting, jumping off rock features is not permitted.)
  6. Music is permitted with headphones only.
  7. Dangerous winds, sometimes combined with lightning and thunder, cause hazardous conditions in the pool areas. DO NOT REMAIN IN THE WATER OR SIT NEAR UMBRELLAS OR OTHER POTENTIAL MOVEABLE OBJECTS DURING SUCH CONDITIONS.
  8. All persons must be appropriately clothed and all clothing must be hemmed. Persons in wet attire are not allowed in the recreation room. Please remove suntan oils prior to entering the water. Violators will be barred from the pool and spa area.
  9. Admission to the pool area will be denied to persons having any infectious disease, open sores, or any communicable disease.
  10. Children under the age of 14 will not be allowed in pool area unless under the supervision of an adult. An adult parent or guardian shall have no more than two (2) minors under their supervision at any one time. Children that are not toilet trained must wear rubber pants with elasticized legs or disposable diapers.
  11. No pets of any type are permitted in or around any of the recreational facilities.
  12. Management is not responsible for accidents or injuries suffered in connection with the use or misuse of the pool. All persons using the pool or pool area do so at their own risk and sole responsibility. The Resident agrees that no claim will be made against Management or ownership for any loss of life, limb, or bodily injury or damage to property. Life guards are not available. Residents and guests swim at their own risk.

(Resident) Date
(Mark-Taylor Residential, Inc. / Subagent for Owner) Date