Transfer Agreement

This Agreement is made this day of by and between Mark-Taylor Residential, Inc., authorized agent for the owner (hereinafter referred to as "Mark-Taylor Residential") and the following person(s) (hereinafter referred to as "Resident"):

Mark-Taylor Residential and Resident hereby mutually agree to terminate the current Lease between the parties and enter into a new residential lease contract for a different apartment unit managed by Mark-Taylor Residential. As inducement and incentive for Mark-Taylor Residential to terminate the current Lease and enter into a new contract, Resident hereby agrees to abide by the following Terms and Conditions.

  1. The Premises Resident Currently Occupies

    Term of Lease:   to  

    Apartment No.
    Parking No.
    Amount Due from   to     :  
    Due Date:
  2. The New Apartment Unit to Which Resident Desires a Transfer

    Term of Lease:   to  

    Apartment No.
    Parking No.
    Amount Due from   to     :  
    Due Date:
  3. Transfer       Resident shall surrender possession of Premises on . Resident shall obtain keys to the new apartment unit on and return previous apartment keys on . No later than Resident shall pay to Mark-Taylor Residential the Total Fees and Costs referenced in Section E of this Agreement.
  4. Terms and Conditions for Transfer

    1. Preliminary Inspection of Premises:      At the time the request for transfer is made by Resident to Mark-Taylor Residential, Resident shall allow Mark-Taylor Residential to schedule an inspection of the Premises. Mark-Taylor Residential shall inspect the Premises for its condition, and depending on the condition Mark-Taylor Residential may elect to deny the transfer application, require Resident to remedy the defective conditions prior granting approval for transfer, or require Resident to pay the costs to repair the defective conditions prior to granting approval for transfer.
    2. Notice of Termination:      Resident must provide written notice of intent to vacate the Premises at least thirty (30) days in advance of the requested date of transfer and shall pay the rent for this period in advance.
    3. Account Current: On the date this Agreement is executed, and prior to the date of transfer, Resident must be current on all balances owed to Mark-Taylor Residential, including rent currently due for the Premises.
    4. Utilities:      Resident remains responsible for paying charges assessed in utility billing statements for utilities consumed during Resident's possession of Premises. The final utility billing statements relating to Resident's possession will not be available until after Resident surrenders possession of Premises to Mark-Taylor Residential and Resident acknowledges the duty to submit remuneration and payment for those items no later than the first day of the month following receipt of the utility billing statements.
    5. Concessions Repayment: On the date this Agreement is executed, Resident must repay all concessions
    1. previously received under the Lease, however denominated and including but not limited to any one-time grants and the monetary value of physical goods in the amount of .
    2. Transfer Fee:      As incentive to induce Mark-Taylor Residential to acquiesce to the termination of the current Lease and the transfer to another apartment unit within the Community or at another community managed by Mark-Taylor Residential and for the resolution of all administrative costs relating to said transfer, Resident agrees to pay the sum of for a transfer to another apartment within the Community or the sum of for a transfer to another apartment community.
    3. Condition of Premises:      On the day of the transfer, Resident must surrender the Premises to Mark-Taylor Residential in clean and good condition, normal wear and tear excepted. All items of personal property must be removed from the Premises, including from storage units, garages, and assigned parking areas.
    4. Showing of Premises:      Resident understands, acknowledges, and agrees that Mark-Taylor Residential may show the Premises to prospective residents. Mark-Taylor Residential shall show the Premises only after issuance of two days' advance written notice of intent to enter.
    5. Additional      Conditions for Approval of Transfer: In addition to those terms referenced above, Resident must

      9.1. Be in good standing with Mark-Taylor Residential (e.g., not currently on notice for material breach of lease);
      9.2. Have paid all deposits and fees, including the security deposit and first month's rent, for the new apartment unit; and
      9.3. Have paid all moneys herein referenced by the deadlines also set forth herein.
      Should any of these conditions not be met, at its discretion Mark-Taylor Residential may unilaterally cancel this Transfer Agreement.
    6. Security Deposit:      The security deposit shall not be used for any portion of the Total Fees and Costs. After the surrender of possession to Premises, in accordance with NRS 118A.240 et seq., Mark-Taylor Residential shall issue to Resident the move-out inspection and deposit disposition statement, plus any refunded amount, within thirty (30) days of the surrender. The disposition shall be mailed by Mark-Taylor Residential to Resident at the new apartment unit address referenced above.
    7. Holdover:      The day of transfer represents the last day Resident shall have right to possession of Premises. Should Resident fail to surrender possession of the Premises on the day of transfer, Resident acknowledges that Resident is wrongfully holding onto possession of Premises. By detaining Premises, Resident shall be liable for continuing rent due at the rate the Lease set for Premises until voluntary surrender or judicial removal.
    8. Approval of Transfer:      Mark-Taylor Residential has received Resident's request for a Transfer. Resident is current with all lease obligations and is in good standing with regard to Resident's Lease. Resident understands, accepts, and agrees to all the terms and conditions set forth in this Transfer Agreement. Agents of Mark-Taylor Residential have inspected Premises and deemed the Premises to be in acceptable condition or have assessed against Resident charges or terms with regard to the condition (and to which Resident has agreed). Resident has selected a new apartment unit and has been approved for said new apartment unit. Resident has paid all sums of money now due and agrees to pay any other sums indicated as due on a later date.
  1. Fees and Cost of Transfer:

    1. Third Party Written Notice
      Prorated Amount in Current Apartment
      Prorated Amount in Future Apartment
  1. Concession Payback
    Transfer Fee
    Damages Determined Upon Pre-Walk Inspection
    Total Fees and Costs
  2. Acceptance

    (Resident) Date
    (Mark-Taylor Residential, Inc. / Subagent for Owner) Date

  3. Administrative Information (To be completed by Mark-Taylor Residential Only)

    Date Preliminary Inspection Completed:
    Date Move-Out Inspection Completed:
    Date Key to New Apartment Unit Picked-Up:
    Date Key to Premises Returned: