Unit #: Bldg #:

Trash Disposal Addendum

As you know, Management takes great pride in our community and the living environment of our residents. We ask that you comply with the trash policy so that everyone may enjoy a clean and beautiful community.

  1. There are dumpsters conveniently located throughout the property. Please insure that your trash is placed in plastic bags and securely tied before placing into the dumpster. Trash may not be placed outside of your apartment (including patios and balconies) for any period of time.
  2. Any trash left outside of your apartment, or improperly disposed of, will result in a trash fine. A minimum of per bag, box or item will be due immediately upon notification by management. Management reserves the right to increase the fine in increments of $25.00 for each violation of the trash policy.
  3. Resident understands that payment of the fine does not eradicate your obligation to dispose of the trash immediately.
  4. Resident understand that violation of the trash policy constitutes a breach of lease and may result in the termination of your rental agreement.

I understand and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in the Management trash policy.

(Resident) Date
(Mark-Taylor Residential, Inc. / Subagent for Owner) Date