Unit #: Bldg #:

Trash Removal Amenity Agreement

Valet trash service will be provided for each resident nights per week . The cost for trash collection is per month. A container will be provided to each resident and must be used in conjunction with the valet service. Containers with bagged trash should be placed outside front door only between the hours of . Service will begin at . All trash must be in bags and securely tied. Bags must be placed inside the container. No trash will be collected without the use of the container. No loose trash will be collected. All boxes must be broken down and flattened. After collection, residents are required to bring containers inside by the following morning. Containers are the property of Valet Waste Inc. It is the responsibility of each resident to keep his or her container clean. There will be a charge to the resident if an additional or replacement container is needed or if you take the container with you when you move out.

If any resident misses service on any of the designated nights, it is their responsibility to bring trash to the designated compactor or dumpster area or keep the trash inside his or her apartment until the next collection evening. Containers/trash may NOT be left out for any reason during non-designated times. If not complied with, resident will receive a warning. If after the first warning the resident is again in violation, his or her container will be removed and/or a fine of per bag will be issued. Containers may be returned after a return fee is paid and with the resident's thorough understanding of the procedures for the service. If this problem continues beyond that, valet service for that resident will be terminated and disposing of trash will become the resident's responsibility.

We hope everyone will follow the rules to enjoy this amenity. By not following the rules for our community, you are in violation of your lease agreement and this will be handled accordingly.

We ask that everyone do his or her part in keeping our property clean and beautiful.

By signing this addendum you are stating that you are fully aware of the rules for the valet trash service and the penalties that may be incurred.

(Resident) Date
(Mark-Taylor Residential, Inc. / Subagent for Owner) Date