Apartment #:

Turf Addendum

This Turf Addendum (hereinafter the "Addendum") is hereby entered into by and between the parties previously identified as Management and Resident on the date first indicated below. Where the terms of the Lease and this Addendum may conflict, the terms of this Addendum shall control.


Management and the Owner of this Community have decided to install artificial grass (hereinafter "Turf") in the leased premises and the Parties seek to memorize the obligations owed with respect to the Turf.

  1. Use. Owner shall cause to be installed Turf at the Leased Premises for Resident's enjoyment during the lease term. Resident shall use the Turf only in the way is permissible by its manufacturer. Resident shall not cause any damage to the Turf or allow it to deteriorate during the lease term.
  2. Care. Resident shall always keep the Turf clean. If Resident has a pet Resident shall take action to remove any pet waste from the Turf in a reasonable time. Further, Resident shall clean the Turf on a quarterly basis by using regular household soap and water. Additionally, Resident shall brush the Turf monthly to prevent signs of wear on the Turf's fibers. Resident shall ensure that no heavy objects are placed on the Turf for any prolonged period and that any debris is removed from the Turf. Resident shall notify Management, in writing, of any damage caused to the Turf.
  3. Responsibility For Damage. Any damage sustained to the Turf in excess of normal wear and tear shall be the financial responsibility of Resident. In the event the Turf requires replacement or repairs during Resident's tenancy Management reserves the right to seek reimbursement from Resident of the costs associated with replacement of or repairs to the Turf. In such an event, the costs associated with repair or replacement shall be due and owing as additional monthly rent in the month following the charge's assessment.

I have read and agree to the terms outlined in the above Addendum.

(Resident) Date
(Mark-Taylor Residential, Inc. / Subagent for Owner) Date