Addendum to Lease: Vinyl Plank Flooring

This Addendum to the Apartment Lease (hereinafter referred to as "Addendum") is made on this date by and between the parties identified in the Apartment Lease.

  1. Vinyl Pink Flooring: Each ground floor apartment in the rental community has been upgraded with vinyl plank flooring.
  2. Resident Care of Flooring: Resident is responsible for the care and proper maintenance of the vinyl plank flooring.

    1. 2.1 Resident shall keep the vinyl plank flooring free from dirt, dust, and other debris.
    2. 2.2 Resident shall immediately remedy any spills of liquids upon the vinyl plank flooring.
    3. 2.3 Resident shall not use cleaning chemicals on the vinyl plank flooring other than those that are specifically identified as appropriate for the surface.
    4. 2.4 Resident shall not damage, deface, or destroy the vinyl plank flooring, through negligence or misconduct, nor shall Resident permit occupants, Resident's guests, or Resident's invitees to negligently or intentionally damage, deface, or destroy the vinyl plank flooring.
    5. 2.5 Resident shall immediately notify Mark-Taylor Residential of any damage to the vinyl plank flooring. Resident shall also notify Mark-Taylor Residential immediately about any other property maintenance issue(s) that might affect or cause damage to the vinyl plank flooring.
  3. Resident Responsibility For Refurbishment or Replacement.

    1. 3.1 The vinyl plank flooring is not easily refurbished or repaired, and individual planks are not independently replaceable.
    2. 3.2 Unlike most flooring, vinyl plank flooring has no appreciable lifespan.
    3. 3.3 If refurbishment or replacement is necessary for the vinyl plank flooring, and the damage was caused by any reason other than negligence or misconduct by Mark-Taylor Residential or its employees, contractors, or agents, Resident shall be responsible for the full cost of refurbishment or replacement.
    4. 3.4 No proration of the costs will be applied, except where warranted due to pre-existing, visible, and noted-in-writing significant damage to the flooring caused by previous tenants of the apartment home. Scratches, gouges, dents, and dings to the flooring that pre-exist the tenancy of Resident and which were not previously refurbished or replaced will not constitute appropriate grounds for proration of the refurbishment or replacement costs.
  4. Acceptance: Resident has read and received an executed copy of this amendment, and acknowledges and warrants that all blanks have been accurately completed or otherwise marked "not applicable" or "N/A." This addendum is a legally binding contract, both in and of itself and as a modification to the Lease. If you do not understand this document, seek competent legal advice. This Addendum shall not be modified by any prior representations, written or verbal, and no alterations may be made to this Addendum other than through written modifications that have been signed by both Resident and the agents of Mark-Taylor Residential.

(Resident) Date
(Owner / Agent) Date