Waitlist Agreement

Please provide the following information in order for our team to find the perfect apartment home for you.

My preferred move in date is:
My preferred unit type is:
I will have a pet(s) in my home:
  • Yes
  • No
View & Living preferences:

I/We understand that being placed on the priority waitlist does not guarantee apartment availability or pricing, as both are subject to change. However, I/We understand that I will be notified of apartment availability and pricing information at the earliest possible time. At that time, I/We will have 24 hours to pay a holding deposit and sign a deposit agreement to reserve my new apartment home. If I/We do not leave a deposit and/or sign the agreement within that said time frame, the next person on the waitlist will be offered the apartment.

I/We also understand that the waitlist fee of is non-refundable under any circumstances, even if I/We choose not to commit to an apartment. As additional incentive, the non-refundable Administration Fee of to reserve your apartment home is reduced to . I/We agree to the terms of this waitlist agreement.

Applicant Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Office Use Only
Amount Paid

(Resident) Date
(Owner / Agent) Date