Wildlife Addendum to Lease Agreement


This Wildlife Addendum to Lease Agreement (hereinafter the "Addendum") Agreement is hereby entered into by and between the parties to the residential lease contract on (hereinafter "Lease"). Through the agreement set forth herein, the terms and conditions of the Lease shall be modified, and where Addendum and Lease (including all other addenda) conflict, the provisions set forth in this Addendum shall supersede and be controlling against all concurrently or earlier-in-time signed provisions.

  1. Definition of Wildlife: Wildlife can include the presence of snakes, scorpions, coyotes, javelina, wild pigs, birds of prey, various reptiles, mountain lions, and other non-domesticated animals.
  2. Wildlife and Pests: Resident agrees and understands that the Premises are in the desert. As part of the natural desert habitat, it is common that various animals, rodents, insects, scorpions, birds, snakes and other wildlife may be present in, at and about the Premises. Resident understands that Resident is responsible for Resident's own safety regarding wildlife in and about the Premises. If Resident desires to limit Resident's risk regarding wildlife, Resident is specifically hereby notified of and accepts responsibility to contact the appropriate wildlife agencies for instructions to deal with wildlife of any and all kinds, and Resident agrees to take whatever action is necessary to insure against potential loss regarding wildlife. Resident acknowledges that Landlord does not have any control over wildlife and does not have the responsibility for uninvited animals, rodents, insects, scorpions, birds, snakes or any other wildlife as such wildlife may relate to Resident, Resident's occupants, and Resident's guests and invitees. Resident hereby waives and releases Landlord regarding any encounters or incidents with animals, rodents, insects, scorpions, birds, snakes or any other wildlife. Resident also agrees not to feed any wildlife and/or pests on or near the Premises and to maintain the Premises in a way which will not attract or foster the presence of wildlife or pests.
  3. Preventative Actions: The best strategy for effective pest/wildlife control is prevention. By adopting clean lifestyle habits, Resident(s) can keep unwanted pests and/or wildlife from entering the Premises. The following are recommended steps in the prevention of pests:

    1. Keep Premises clean (pack-up or discard food immediately, keep snack bags clipped shut or use Ziploc bags, wipe-up messes and spills on counter-tops and floors, keep garbage in sealed containers and dispose of your trash daily, check for crumbs and wrappers that may get hidden under sofa cushions or bedspreads, and clean-out your fridge and freezer on a regular basis).
    2. Keep Premises free of clutter (piles of papers and other objects strewn about your Premises can provide food or shelter for pests, such as cockroaches).
    3. Keep Premises dry (many insects thrive in wet environments so make sure to properly ventilate your Premises).
    4. Keep common areas of the community clean and free of garbage, food, or other debris that may attract wildlife and/or pests to the community.

I have read and agree to the terms outlined in the above Addendum.

(Resident) Date
(Mark-Taylor Residential, Inc. / Subagent for Owner) Date