Review Application
  • Unit 20-A
  • Move-In Date July 03, 2021
  • Lease Term 12 Months
  • Monthly Rent $1,550.00
  • Utilities $25.00
  • Rent $1,550/month
  • Utilities $25/month
  • Deposit $700 or $275
  • Carport $250/month
  • Name of Pet Garfield
  • Type Cat
  • Breed French
  • Color Gray
  • Age 2 years

  • Year 2020
  • Make Hyundai
  • Model Santa Fe
  • Color White
  • License Plate Number YKA5637
  • License Plate State California
  • Firstname Ethan
  • Lastname Lacey
  • Birthdate 10/20/1986
  • Email address
  • Primary Phone +1 234 5678

  • Address 1 302 Market St
  • Zip/Postal Code 24565
  • City San Francisco
  • State California
  • Country United States
  • Firstname Ethan
  • Lastname Lacey
  • Birthdate 10/20/1986
  • Email address
  • Primary Phone +1 234 5678

  • Firstname John
  • Lastname Doe
  • Email address
  • Primary Phone +1 234 5678
  • Google, Inc. Income $35,000
  • Amazon Corp. Income $1,000
  • Guarantor Income $45,000
  • Total Income $86,000
  • Total Account Balance $12,000
  • Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? No
  • Have you ever willfully refused to pay rent when due? Yes
  • Have you ever been evicted from a tenancy or left owing money? No
  • Have you ever been convicted of a felony? No
  • Do you smoke? No

Floor Plan: 1B
Unit: 512
  • Rent$1,550/month
  • Utilities$25.0/month
  • Deposit$500
Lease Length: 10 months
Added Options
  • GarageRent: $350/month
  • Charge$50/month
  • Deposit$100
Monthly Total $1,550
Application Fees $325.00
Tax (2.3%) $7.48
Due Today $332.48