Transactions Report
Understanding your property's total transaction volume


Total $ Transactions

% change


Total # Transactions

% change


Avg $/Transaction

% change

January 1, 2022

$ Transaction Volume (000s): $20,000
# Transactions: 17,000
$ Transaction Volume (000s)
# Transactions
Service Fees Report
Understanding your property's service fee breakdown


Total $ Service Fees

% change


Total $ MTR Take

% change


Total $ Union Take

% change

MTR Fee per transaction: $7

Union Fee per transaction: $3

January 1, 2022

Union Take: $51,000
MTR Take: $119,000
$ Total Service Fees
$ Union Take
$ MTR Take
Payment Methods Report
Understanding with which payment methods your residents pay


Total $ Transactions

% change


Total $ ACH
83% of Total

% change


Total $ Credit
14% of Total

% change


Total $ Check
2% of Total

% change


Total $ Debit
1% of Total

% change

January 1, 2022

ACH: $17MM,83%
Credit: $3MM,14%
Check: $417K,2%
Debit: $167K,1%
$ Total ('000s)
$ Debit('000s')
$ Check('000s')
$ Credit('000s')
$ ACH('000s')
Returns Report
Understanding the type and volume of returns for your property


Total $ Returns

% change


Total $ NSFs
74% of Total

% change


Total # Returns
26% of Total

% change


Avg $/Return

% change

January 1, 2022

NSFs: $6,000,65%
Account Closed: $2,000,22%
Account Frozen: $1,250,13%
$ Total
$ Account Frozen
$ Account Closed
$ NSFs
Chargebacks Report
Understanding the type and volume of chargebacks for your property


Total $ Chargebacks

% change


Total $ Canceled Recurring Transaction
86% of Total

% change


Total $ Fraud
14% of Total

% change


Avg $/Chargback

% change

January 1, 2022

Canceled Recurring Transaction: $6,000,75%
Fraud: $2,000,25%
$ Total
$ Fraud
$ Canceled Recurring Transaction
Autopay Report
Understanding your residents autopay behavior


Total $ Transactions

% change


Total $ Autopay Transactions
83% of Total

% change

January 1, 2022

Autopay: $10,000,50%
Non-Autopay: $10,000,50%
$ Total
$ Non-Autopay Transactions('000s')
$ Autopay Transactions('000s')