All Applications 1 / 35


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7 min ago
Last Followup Date 2 days ago
Last Activity Date 10 days ago
Application Submitted
Jennifer Agent
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Assigned to: Property Agent

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Leasing Progress
Step 4 of 9
Send Lease
Step 1: Submit Application
Alice Testerly4 days ago
Bob Testerly4 days ago
Step 2: Pay Application Fees
Alice Testerly4 days ago
Bob Testerly3 days ago
Step 3: Make Application Decision
San Travesia2 days ago
Step 4: Send Lease
San TravesiaToday
Step 5: Sign Lease
Alice Testerly
Bob Testerly
Chester McTesters
Step 6: Countersign Lease
San Travesia
Step 7: Send Deposit Agreement
San Travesia
Step 8: Sign Deposit Agreement
Alice Testerly
Bob Testerly
Step 9: Countersign Deposit Agreement
Alice Testerly
Application Decision
Application Decision will be available once all applicants from the group have submitted an application and screening results are ready to review.
Details Update Decision
Decision Approved
Decision Date July 01, 2023
Made By Morgan Agent
Details Update Decision
Decision Conditionally Approved
Conditions None
Decision Date July 01, 2023
Made By Morgan Agent
Details Update Decision
Decision Conditionally Approved
Conditions Larger Security Deposit
Require Guarantor
Decision Date July 01, 2023
Made By Morgan Agent
Screening Summary

Summary of screening factors and details for resident group.

  • Screening Status
  • Approve This resident group meets all of your rental criteria requirements.
Factors Expand
Income Report
  • Total Monthly Income$10,000.00
  • Income to Rent Ratio5.3x
Credit Report
  • Credit Score850
  • Warning Indicators FoundNone
Criminal Report
  • Criminal RecordsNone
Eviction Report
  • Eviction RecordsNone
Jake McTester View Profile
  • Person TypePrimary Applicant
  • Person StatusCurrent
  • Total Monthly Income
  • Credit Score
  • Criminal Records
  • Eviction Records
Clarence McTester

Current step: Review Application

Application started but still needs to submit application and pay fees.

Tommy Moneybags

Current step: Application Invite Sent

Invite sent but still needs to create account, submit application, and pay fees.

Jake McTester
Edit Profile
  • NameJake Mctester
  • Birth DateMay 23, 1980
  • Person TypeResident
  • Person StatusCurrent
  • Email
  • Primary Phone(123) 456-7890
  • Phone TypeMobile
  • Main Contact for GroupYes
  • Has PetsYes
  • Has VehiclesYes
  • Has DependentsYes
  • Identification TypeSSN
  • Social Security Number•••-••-1234
  • Driver’s License NumberDL123456
  • Driver’s License StateArizona
Identification Photos
  • Employment StatusI’m currently employed
Employers (1)
  • Employer 1
  • Employer NameTester, Inc
  • OccupationSoftware Engineer
  • Employment Start DateJune 1, 2012
  • IndustryTechnology
  • Supervisor NameJerry Johnson
  • Supervisor Email
  • Supervisor Phone(345) 423-4234
  • Employer Address1234 SW University St.
    Suite #A-1
    Denver, Colorado, United States, 12345
  • Total Monthly Income$5,000.00
  • Total Past 12 Months Income$60,000.00
  • Income Report Create DateJuly 1, 2023
  • Income Report Refreshed DateNone
Income Streams from Employment (1)
  • Income Stream 1
  • SourceTester, Inc
  • Monthly Income$3,000.00
  • Past 12 Months Income$36,000.00
  • Income CategorySalary
  • Income Status Stated
  • Proof of Income Documents
Income Streams from Other Sources (1)
  • Income Stream 1
  • SourceFinancial Aid
  • Monthly Income$3,000.00
  • Past 12 Months Income$24,000.00
  • Income CategorySalary
  • Income Status Stated
  • Proof of Income Documents
Residential History
  • Address 1234 Southwest Test Ave
    Apt #2003
    Denver, Colorado, United States, 10001
  • Moved In DateMay 1, 2021
  • Own/RentRent
  • Monthly Payment$2,000.00
  • Landlord NameAlice Landlady
  • Landlord Phone(234) 567-8901
Emergency Contact
  • NameClarence Mctester
  • RelationshipSpouse
  • Primary Phone(123) 674-2343
  • Email AddressNone
Dependents (2)
  • Dependent 1
  • NameBoris Mctester
  • Birth DateJanuary 23, 2018
  • Dependent 2
  • NameJuly Mctester
  • Birth DateDecember 27, 2015
  • Credit Score800
  • Credit Report Created DateJuly 2, 2023
  • Credit Report Refreshed DateNone
  • Credit Report
  • Criminal Records FoundNo
  • Criminal Report Created DateJuly 2, 2023
  • Criminal Report Refreshed DateJune 01, 2024
  • Criminal Report
  • Eviction Records FoundNo
  • Eviction Report Created DateJuly 2, 2023
  • Eviction Report Refreshed DateNone
  • Eviction Report
Warning Indicators (3)
  • Warning Indicators FoundYes
  • Warning Indicators Created DateJuly 2, 2023
  • Warning Indicators Refreshed DateNone
  • Indicator 1
  • DescriptionCurrent address mismatch - Input does not match file
  • Indicator 2
  • DescriptionForeclosure Warning: Possible foreclosure detected
  • Indicator 3
  • DescriptionLast name - input does not match file
Edit Profile - Jake McTester

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or Upload Photo
Employer 1:
Income Streams from Employment (1)
Income-Doc-A.pdf View

Income-Doc-B.pdf View
Income Streams from Other Sources (1)
Income-Doc-A.pdf View

Income-Doc-B.pdf View
Add People

Add people to resident group.

Person 1 Remove
Remove People

Remove people from resident group.

Who do you want to remove from group?
Transfer People

Transfer people to a new application group.

Who do you want to transfer to a new group?
What resident group do you want to transfer them to?
Restore People

Restore previously removed people and add back to resident group.

Who do you want to restore and add back to group?
Refresh Profile Details

Request individuals from resident group refresh their profile, income, and employment details.

Who do you want to refresh profile details?

Jake McTester


Clarence Mctester


Tommy Moneybags

  • Floor PlanB2
  • Unit1050
  • Rent$2,500.00
  • Lease Term12 months
  • Lease Start DateJuly 1, 2023
  • Lease End DateJune 30, 2024
  • Move-In DateJuly 6, 2023
  • Deposit TypeTraditional
  • Pets
    Boba (Dog) Fillini (Cat)
  • Vehicles
    Ford Escape S (2019) Subaru CrossTrek X (2021)
  • Rentable Items10 x 20 Garage
Lease Details
  • Floor Plan2B
  • Unit1050
  • Rent$2,000.00
  • Lease Term12 months
  • Lease TypeNew Lease
  • Lease Start DateJuly 1, 2023
  • Lease End DateJune 30, 2024
  • Move-In DateJuly 3, 2023
  • Move-Out DateNone
  • Deposit Agreement Signed DateJune 24, 2023
  • Lease Signed DateJune 24, 2023
Security Deposit
  • Deposit TypeTraditional
  • Security Deposit Amount$900.00
  • ePremium Deposit Alternative Fee$0.00
  • ePremium Payment Methods
    Certified Check Bank Check E-Check Credit Card Debit Card
Additional Items
Other Rent Items
Other Fee Items
Application Details
  • Application Fees$300.00
  • Administrative Fee$250.00
  • Amount Already Paid$250.00
  • Payment MethodUnion Application
  • Paid On DateJune 23, 2023
  • Application Submitted DateJune 21, 2023
  • Application Decision DateJune 23, 2023
  • Application DecisionApproved
  • Responsible for Following Utilities
    Electric Water Trash Gas Sewer Valet Trash Service Renter’s Insurance
  • Electric Account NumberNone
  • Gas Account NumberNone
Renter's Insurance
  • Insurer NameNone
  • Insurance Policy NumberNone
  • Insurance Liability AmountNone
  • Insurance Effective DateNone
  • Deposit w/o Renter InsuranceNone
Other Details
  • Building NumberNone
  • Mailbox NumberNone
  • Construction Delivery DateNone
  • Balance Due Payment Methods
    Certified Check Bank Check E-Check Credit Card Debit Card
  • Applicant is EmployeeNo
  • Employee Discount (%)None
  • Disclosed History of Bed BugsNo
  • Bed Bug DescriptionNone
  • Deposit Agreement CommentNone
  • Special Provisions Comment *A fine of $75.00 (plus tax) will be assessed for any glass containers in the pool area or for any smoking violations.
  • Deposit Agreement AddendaNone
  • Lease Agreement Addenda
    Automatic Entry Gate Polices & Procedures Building And Facilities Fee Addendum Clubhouse Policies & Procedures Addendum Crime Free And Drug-Free Housing Lease Addendum Satellite Dish Addendum
Lease History
Leasing Events
  • New Lease Signed for unit 1050 with rent set to $2,500.00
    May 23, 2023
  • Moved In to unit 1050
    June 1, 2023
  • Lease Change Signed for unit 1050 and rent increased to $2,650.00
    December 15, 2023
  • Renewal Signed for unit 1050 and rent decreased to $2,600.00
    May 3, 2023
  • Notice to Vacate Signed for unit 1050
    May1, 2025
  • Moved Out of unit 1050
    June 23, 2025
Lease Change

Update lease details like Pets, Vehicles, Parking, Addenda, etc.

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Selected Addenda (3)

All Addenda (132)


Choose Selected Items (5)
Selected Addenda (5)

All Addenda (132)


Document Status Date Created Date Refreshed
Leasing Documents
Deposit Agreement
Ready to Send
Jul 14, 2023, 5:01 pm Jul 14, 2023, 5:01 pm
New Lease Agreement (07/01/2023 - 06/30/2024)
Ready to Send
Jul 14, 2023, 5:01 pm Jul 14, 2023, 5:01 pm
Application Documents
Income Documents
Other Documents
Preview & Send
Deposit Agreement
6 document fields are currently empty.
Sign Document

Confirm and countersign document.

You are about to e-sign the "Deposit Agreement" document as Morgan Agent. Do you want to continue with this action?

I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.

Regenerate Leasing Documents

Regenerate documents using most recent lease details and resident group details.

Regenerating a document voids the existing version of the document and requires each person in group to resign it.
What leasing documents do you want to regenerate?
Upload Documents

Upload a document and add it to resident group details.

What type of documents do you want to upload?
Upload Documents

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What person should we link the uploaded income document(s) to?
Upload Documents

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What income source should we link the uploaded income document(s) to?
Upload Documents

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1B Units
  • Pet Fees
  • Good Morning, Jake
    What can I help you with today?
  • Our community has the following pet fees:

    • Pet Rent: $75.00 (monthly, per pet)
    • Pet Deposit: $220.00 (refundable, per lease) or $150.00 (non-refundable, per lease)
    • Pet Fee: $250.00 (one-time fee, per lease)

    Keep in mind:

    • Pet Lease: Fee is the same regardless of number of pets.
    • Refundable Deposit: Pay deposit and receive up to 100% of deposit back after move-out inspection.
    • Non-Refundable Deposit: Pay one-time non-refundable fee in place of traditional deposit. Applicants with poor credit or low income may need to select this option.
# Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 9:00am-6:00pm

Sat: 11:00am-4:00pm

Sun: Closed

# Contact

Phone: (480) 324-5233


# Location

Address: 7501 E McDowell Rd, Scottsdale AZ, 85257

Cross Streets: North Miller Rd and East
McDowell St

Submarket: South Scottsdale

# About

Year Built: 2012 (8 years old)

Total Units: 389

About: Ravenwood Heights is conveniently located in the heart of South Scottsdale with close access to major freeways (Loop 101, Loop 202 and SR 143), shopping (Scottsdale Fashion Square), and entertainment (Old Town Scottsdale and Tempe Marketplace). Our spacious floor plans are beautiful and completely upgraded with vinyl wood floors throughout the apartment home, granite counter-tops and stainless steel appliances. As a resident, you will have acces to our two 24-hour resort style pools and whirlpool spas, fitness center with complimentary fitness classes, weekend driving service and more!

# Rental Criteria

Rental History: 1 year of good rental history or proof of home ownership

Income: Household income of 2.5 times the rental amount

Credit/Background: Satisfactory credit status and pass criminal background screening

Applications: All applicants 18 years or older are required to complete an application

Identification: All applicants are require to show government issued ID

# Deposit Options

Refundable: $900 deposit for approved or $1,300 for conditionally approved + 3rd party renter’s insurance required

Non-Refundable: $450 one-time fee for approved or $960 for conditionally approved + must use ePremium as renter’s insurance provider

Pet Deposit: An additional deposit is required for Pets. $400 for refundable option and $275 for Non-Refundable option.

# Application Fees

Applicants: $50.00 fee (per applicant)

Guarantors: $50.00 fee (per guarantor)

Admin Fee: $250.00 fee (one-time charge)

# Pet Fees

Pet Rent: $75.00 (per pet, per month)

Pet Fee: $50.00 fee (one-time charge)

# Other Rent Items

Valet Waste: $40.00 (per month)

MT Plus: $150.00 (per month)

Premium Parking: $50.00 (per month)

Garage (5x5): $85.00 (per month)

Garage (10x15): $125.00 (per month)

Show units with specials only

# 1 Bed (6)
1B | 1 Bed
1 Bed 1 Bath 970 SqFt
Unit Rent Available  
1000 $2,200 Now
1010 $2,250 Now
1020 $2,175 Sep 22, 2022
1030 $2,200 Sep 30, 2022
1040 $2,120 Oct 01, 2022
1050 $2,320 Oct 05, 2022
1060 $2,240 Oct 10, 2022
1080 $1,900 Oct 10, 2022
1090 $2,300 Oct 15, 2022
View All
1Bc | 1 Bed
1 Bed 1 Bath 1000 SqFt
Unit Rent Available  
1090 $2,200 Sep 1, 2022
1099 $2,250 Nov 31, 2022

# 2 Beds (4)
2B | 2 Beds
2 Beds 1 Bath 1,400 SqFt
Unit Rent Available  
2022 $2,700 Now
2050 $2,650 Now
2079 $2,775 Oct 22, 2022
2015 $3,125 Nov 6, 2022
2016 $3,200 Nov 10, 2022
2017 $3,200 Nov 10, 2022
2018 $3,000 Nov 10, 2022
2019 $3,000 Nov 10, 2022
2020 $3,000 Nov 10, 2022
View All
Apartment 1000 | 1B
1 Bed 1 Bath 970 SqFt
# Rent & Deposit

Rent starting at: $2,200

Deposit starting at: $960 (or $270 with ePremium)

Available date: Now

# Location

Unit number: 1000

Located in building: 2

On floor: 6

# Features
  • Feature A
  • Feature B
  • Feature C
  • Feature D
  • Feature E

# Promotion

Special Offer: Get 1 month FREE when you sign a new lease by Oct 31, 2022!!

Restrictions: New residents only. Must sign 12+ month lease to lock in offer.

# Community Features

Gated Entry: Elegant entry with controlled access gate for extra privacy

Swimming Pool: 2 Resort-style swimming pools with sundeck

Dog Park: Dog Park and Dog Run

Partrol: OnSite Courtesy Patrol

Office: Business center with Macs & PCs

# Apartment Features

Ceilings: Nine-foot ceilings with ceiling fans

Washer/Dryer: Full-sized in unit washer and dryer

Closets: Spacious walk-in closets with mirrored doors

Flooring: Vinyl wood plank flooring

Kitchen Appliances: Dishwasher, built-in microwave, glass-top stove and refrigerator with ice maker

# Amenity Hours

Clubhouse: 7:00am-10:00pm

Fitness Center: Open 24 hours, 7 days a week

Pool: Open 24 hours, 7 days a week

Community Quiet Hours: 10:00pm-6:00am

Moving & Transfer: 9:00am-7:00pm

# Parking

Residents: Assigned, covered parking

Guests: Allowed, In any unassigned space

# Utilities

Utility Billing Policy: Resident is responsible for Electric, Water, Trash, Gas, Sewer, Valet Trash

# Team Members
Ally Johnson
Property Manager On-site
Morgan Clarence
Property Agent On-site
Maryanne McRemotely
Property Agent Virtual
Barry Leaser
Property Agent Virtual
Cory Testing
Property Agent On-site
# Nearby
Allegro at La Entrada

3402 Grand Avenue, Scottsdale, AZ 64344

(480) 423-6266
2.2 mi from property
Unit Types Offered
1 Bed 2 Bed 3 Bed
Availabile Units (11)
Unit Type Starting At Count
1 Bed $2,200 4
2 Bed $2,250 6
3 Bed $2,175 1
San Milan

313 E Evans St, Scottsdale, AZ 62442

(480) 733-6363
4.9 mi from property
Unit Types Offered
1 Bed 2 Bed 3 Bed
Availabile Units (3)
Unit Type Starting At Count
1 Bed $2,100 1
2 Bed $2,450 1
3 Bed $3,275 1
# Places To Eat
Bitters Cocktail Bar & Food

7501 E McDowell Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 64344

(480) 222-4245
5.2 mi from property
Duke's Sports Bar and Grill

7501 E McDowell Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 64344

(480) 222-4245
5.2 mi from property
Fry’s Green Vegan Veggie Stand M...

7501 E McDowell Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 64344

(480) 222-4245
5.2 mi from property
# Places To Shop
Scottsdale Fashion Square

7501 E McDowell Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 64344

(480) 222-4245
5.2 mi from property
# Places To Explore
Scottsdale Waterfront

7501 E McDowell Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 64344

(480) 222-4245
5.2 mi from property
Eldorado Park

7501 E McDowell Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 64344

(480) 222-4245
5.2 mi from property
# Schools
Yavapai Elementary School

7501 E McDowell Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 64344

(480) 222-4245
5.2 mi from property
# Places To Go
Scottsdale Northwest Bank

7501 E McDowell Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 64344

(480) 222-4245
5.2 mi from property