Workforce Reports

Agent Availability

The percentage of the business day an agent has chat and call availability toggled on.


28 56%

0.1% vs last week
On Chat

10 20%

0.4% vs last week
On Calls

18 36%

0.1% vs last week
On Chat
On Call
Agent Name On Chat On Call Time Spent Availability (%)
Darlees Adams Available Unavailable 00:21:08 21.5%
Sophia Aguirre Available Available 00:10:01 10.1%
Pedro Alvarez Unavailable Available 00:18:07 18.7%
Samantha Aragon Available Unavailable 00:11:05 11.5%
Ryan Anthony Available Available 00:10:02 10.1%
Engagement Rate By Agent

The engagement rate for individual agents.

Engagement Rate


0.2% vs last week
Highly Engaged

26 52%

0.2% vs last week

20 40%

0.1% vs last week

4 8%

0.1% vs last week
Highly Engaged
Agent Name Activity Count Conversions Engagement Rate Engagement Level
Lauren Anderson 120 100 65.1% Highly Engaged
Sophia Aguirre 80 69 32.4% Engaged
Pedro Alvarez 132 121 67.1% Highly Engaged
Adrianna Austin 90 8 5.1% Disengaged
Eileen Baker 50 20 25.1% Engaged
Live Chat Engagement By Agent

Live chat transfers joined by an agent sending at least one message.

Live Chat Transfers

56 31.4%

0.1% vs last week
Live Chat
Agent Name Live Chat % Of Total
Samantha Aragon 8 11.5%
Ryan Anthony 13 10.1%
Darlees Adams 10 11.5%
Sophia Aguirre 12 10.1%
Pedro Alvarez 18 18.7%
Worked/Unworked Leads By Agent

Leads that have actively engaged or performed actions by an agent.

Total Worked Leads

85 32.6%

0.1% vs last week
Total Unworked Leads

63 32.6%

0.1% vs last week
Worked Leads
Unworked Leads
Agent Name Worked Leads Unworked Leads % Of Total
Darlees Adams 10 5 11.5%
Sophia Aguirre 12 15 15.1%
Pedro Alvarez 18 10 12.7%
Samantha Aragon 8 6 8.5%
Ryan Anthony 13 15 11.1%
Transfer Rate

Inbound calls that are transferred to another agent after being initially answered.

Transferred Calls

86 32.6%

0.1% vs last week
Outbound Answer Rate

Outbound calls made by agents that are answered by prospects/residents.

Answered Calls

126 62.9%

0.2% vs last week
Call Volume Trends

Number of calls received or made over specific time periods.

Total Calls

310 43.5%

0.1% vs last week
SMS Conversations By Agent

The number of SMS conversations an agent manages with prospects or residents.

Total SMS


0.1% vs last week
From Prospects

75 54.8%

0.1% vs last week
From Residents

50 46.2%

0.1% vs last week
Agent Name From Prospects From Residents Total SMS % of Total
Pedro Alvarez 9 15 24 15.2%
Samantha Aragon 12 20 32 29.2%
Ryan Anthony 20 30 50 40.1%
Darlees Adams 10 4 14 17.1%
Sophia Aguirre 8 4 12 10.5%
Scheduled Tours By Agent

The number of property tours scheduled by each agent.

Tours Scheduled


0.1% vs last week
Tours Completed

68 78.2%

0.2% vs last week
Leases Signed

50 50.4%

0.5% vs last week
Leases Signed
Agent Name Scheduled Completed Leases Signed
Lauren Anderson 5 4 3
Sophia Aguirre 11 8 4
Pedro Alvarez 10 5 0
Samantha Aragon 11 8 4
Ryan Anthony 10 5 0
SMS Response Rate By Agent

The time between a new SMS is received and the agent responds with an SMS.

SMS Received


0.1% vs last week
SMS Responses

332 96.2%

0.1% vs last week
Avg. Response Time


0.2% vs last week
Agent Name Received Responses Response Time Response Rate (%)
Ryan Anthony 20 10 00:28:32 50.1%
Sophia Aguirre 15 15 00:55:08 100%
Pedro Alvarez 9 3 00:32:30 25.5%
Samantha Aragon 12 10 00:19:10 69.9%
Darlees Adams 10 9 01:10:05 87.1%
Active Leads By Concierge

The total number of leads that have status 'Active' assigned to each agent

Active Leads


0.1% vs last week
Active Leads
Agent Name Assigned Leads Active Leads Active %
Pedro Alvarez 20 12 20.9%
Samantha Aragon 11 10 22.1%
Darlees Adams 10 9 18.1%
Sophia Aguirre 15 10 16.1%
Ryan Anthony 16 16 12.8%