Billing - Mark Taylor

Time period: Aug 1, 2020 - Aug 31, 2020

Product Description Unit Cost Qty Concession Amount
Ads Google PPC ad management $187.50 (25% of $750) 52 $1,040.00
Property Units Days Active Amount
San Milan 200 31 $200.00
San Portales 350 24 $270.97
San Pedregal 175 7 $39.52
Sites Stand alone property marketing sites $250.00 per property 52 -
Property Units Days Active Amount
San Portales 350 24 $270.97
San Pedregal 175 7 $39.52
Leads Lead management (CRM) $1.00 per unit 15,000 $1,040.00
Property Units Days Active Amount
San Milan 200 31 $200.00
San Portales 350 24 $270.97
San Pedregal 175 7 $39.52
Call Tracking / Scoring Sites, Leads, Call Tracking / Scoring $250.00 per property 52 -
Property Units Days Active Amount
San Portales 350 24 $270.97
San Pedregal 175 7 $39.52
Chat Prospect and applicant chat $1.00 per unit 15,000 -
Property Units Days Active Amount
San Milan 200 31 $200.00
San Portales 350 24 $270.97
San Pedregal 175 7 $39.52