Campaign A

1. Email & SMS No Delay
Welcome to San Testia

This is preview text. We show a brief snippet of email text here.

This is preview text. We show a brief snippet of SMS text here.

This is preview text. We show a brief snippet of SMS text here.

3. Email 2 Days
Welcome to San Testia

This is preview text. We show a brief snippet of email text here.

4. Email & SMS 5 Days
Welcome to San Testia

This is preview text. We show a brief snippet of email text here.

This is preview text. We show a brief snippet of SMS text here.

Time period: Feb 21, 2023 - Feb 27, 2023
Conversion Insights


Reply Rate

3d 6h

Avg. Response Time

Step 2

Best Converting Step
Deliverability Insights


Emails Sent


SMS Sent


Error Rate

When a new prospect is created from the following lead sources, enroll prospect in this nurture automation.

When a prospect engages with property team in the following ways, remove them from the nurture automation.

On successful exit, update lead stage of prospect to:

When a prospect finishes nurture automation without replying back.

Delay time to mark lead as Lost after last step in automation is sent

Set Lost Reason to:

Choose a timing window when followup steps are sent to prospects.

Reenter nurture automation if reactivated after: